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Trailer rush

Started by Mangamax, 21 September, 2003, 02:47:17 AM

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Going out to cinemas next week:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Alien Directors Cut
Return Of The King (three minutes long so it ain't no teaser)
The perspective on that chairs all wrong



I just watched Chainsaw again.Still going to the cinema fer it mind.

Our local one had it on about 2 years ago too-one of the counter staff has good taste and drums up interest to petition the managers.Hurrah!

Alien-class.Never seen it on the big screen,so looking forward to that an all.

ROTK-hopefully better than TTT.Was nver too keen on the books fan of Jackson mind,but these are  quality.

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Last of the V8's

Hey Mikey, that'll be the remake trailer.

The Amstor Computer

Any info on the remake of TCM? I can't see it as anything other than a glorious arse-up, but it would be nice to have my prejudices confirmed ;-)


Course it'll be awful - just like the Psycho one was and the Exorcist TV movie will be
The perspective on that chairs all wrong

Last of the V8's

Last of the V8's

Last of the V8's


"Hey Mikey, that'll be the remake trailer"

D'oh.Will*not*be going to see this then...
To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


Seen the TCM its shite!
Whats the point of doing almost exactly the same film as has been done before? Especially when the original is such a good example of its genre?

No, cant say i'll be paying to see this one.

Just look at Psycho remake, same as original but not good. It was, in fact, dogger of the highest order!


Saw the TCM trailer with Underworld... there's one interesting bit where the screen goes totally black and it's just footsteps of girlie going upstairs (and across the cinema) followed by big heavy bloke... then the chainsaw kicks in.

By the look of it they have taken all the standard elements from the original and remixed them a bit... ie it's grandad in a wheel chair this time, the've changed Leatherfaces first appearence

And all the chainsaw fodder look utterly bland


Lets file TCM under 'pointless remake'.... saw the trailer and thought within 1 second of it starting 'oh theyve given the remake a cinema release after all' after hearing it was to go straight to video, Could be worse tho - it could be GIGLI......

Tex Hex

I actually want to see gigli now just to see what all the fuss is about...


They've probably removed all the elements that made the original into filthy liberal vegan propaganda as well...


... and you can't chainsaw a Chorlton in these PC days...