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DvD sneak preview in Computeractive

Started by opaque, 29 September, 2003, 03:27:47 PM

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Just got my copy of Computeractive and it's got a review of the demo and it sounds like the reviewer knows (some of) his stuff ;) Sounds enthusiastic as well.

If all you know of Judge Dredd is the lamentable 1995 film of the same name, you're in for a treat come october. Judge Dredd: Dred Vs Death isn't the first computer game to be based on the classic 2000AD comic character but from what we've seen, it's far and away the best. Judge Dredd the comic is set in a post-apocalyptic North America that grotesquely parodies the worst of the West's 21-st Century excesses. The sprawling megalopolis of "Mega-City One' makes Manhatan look like rural Dorset and its eclectic citizens are kept in check by the super-authoritarian law enforcers, the Judges. In Dredd vs Death, Judge Dredd is pitted against one of his ost infamous foes, Judge Death. Death abd his three other 'Dark Judges' are chilling inversions of Judges from a twisted dimension where life itself is a crime. As Dredd, your job is to stop them dispensing their bran of murderous 'justice' in Mega-City One but there a million and one other 'perps' to deal with first. Few games have 26 years of backstory to call upon and the richness of Dredd's world shines through in Dredd vs Death. The game retains the comic's black humour and questionable morals, and the characters are true to their roots both visually and amusingly, vocally. We'll review the full game when it appears but on the basis of this demo, it's going to be Zarjaz. - Julian Prokaza


Hark, the sound of many hands being rubbed together in expectant glee...!


I bet you won't see the Tedium Twins quoting from this one on alt.comics.2000ad...