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Film help!

Started by Woolly, 12 December, 2003, 05:31:41 PM

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I remember back in 1999 hearing about a film that was going to be made about 2 priests who expect the end of the world to happen at the turn of the millenium. When this doesnt happen, they decide to go on a massive drugs n' violence binge. It was supposed to star Bruce 'i wanna be Mickey Rourke' Willis.

Anybody else heard of this one, or was it just a bad idea that got canned?

Personally, i'd love to see it!!



Was it 'Nuns on the Run'?


Woolly, you're thinking of "The Sky Is Falling", which was going to be directed by David Fincher (of Fight Club & Seven fame). The plot was that the priests discover positive proof of the non-existence of god and then go on a crime spree breaking all the 10 commandments. The Vatican send a killer after them to rub 'em out before they can tell the world what they found out.

Fincher never made it, obviously - he went off and did Fight Club instead. As far I know, the script is still out there somewhere, waiting to be picked up and made...