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Alpha and Wulf---What the Drokk??!!??

Started by thrillpowerseeker, 13 January, 2004, 04:19:55 AM

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 The gay robots are Star Wars most normal couple, lets look at the rest of this monument to perversity:
 Luke has got the babies arm for his sister
 Han and Chewie have a whole Animal Farm thing going on
 The Emperor, a whizened old man is destroyed by a huge, part robotic toy boy he's "enslaved" and  given a familiarly shaped helemet. (Its a sci-fi Death in Venice).
 Anakin has disturbing dreams about his Mother.  
 If only Doctor Wertham was here to save us all!
And as for the Fantastic Four, a stretchable man who calls himself Mr Fantastic who's best friend is his Thing? No wonder he finds Sue Storm invisible. And don't get me started on Buck and Tweekie...




i said the robots were camp, not gay!!!?@*%

(robots cant be gay can they...???)

and lets forget grant morrison style revelations about the fantastic four too, shall we

lets talk instead about how wonder woman is based on the american males perfect woman and the need to be 'dominated' by such a vision of beauty

(the guy who created her was a professor of psychology who was a part time comics hack)

Slippery PD

More interesting is why an ancient greek Amazonian Princess and an  alien from a galaxy light years away, would don the stars and stripes rather than something esle???

Yer Slips


Can't we just let sleeping dogs lie? (Naked, next to each other...)


Dude, Superman doesn?t wear the stars and stripes! In a way it would make more sense if he did, since the superman mythos is an idealised tale of immigration and assimilation.

As for Wonder Woman, IIRC there's some kind of explanation for this which comes down to it being a massive coincidence...


At least we know what Number *One* cartridge is now.



Oho! What the hell's been going on in here? This one's been a juicy one mind, hasn't it?

Handbagth out, boyth!

What a marvellous website this is!