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Started by Rio De Fideldo, 03 February, 2004, 10:02:39 PM

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Yeah cheer up ya bunch of moanymoos!

I'm looking forward to it.
Better set your phaser to stun.

Jared Katooie

I'm joining you Paul. Imagine how you're feeling now and then pretend you're someone who doesn't like Gordon Rennies Dredd.



>bounty hunter Durham Red faces off for the final >time

   Ooh, is that a promise? Although I'll miss the art...


Will I. Cooling

The problem with Rogue is that the entire focus is on rogue, I mean you've got one of the biggest, most brutal wars in comics history and you focus on a half-zombie's quest. After the capture of TG they should've have ended Rogue and started a shared universe tale that focused on the wider war with a battlion of GIs.

Or get Wagner to write it I mean if he can make Friday work then he can make Rogue work.


Link:" target="_blank">The Pop Culture Site

The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.


I'm going to wait and see if it's any good.

Charlie Adlard on Dredd is a promising thought.

- Trout


"yeah fuk it, we'll write off another heap of stories without even laying eyes on em......"

Krest, this isn't an official decree for the secret readers club (or is it... secrecy is our weapon) it's just I've always disliked Durham Red, and really disliked Bek and Kawl and Sin Dex, and that really IS NOT going to change.

Still if Durham Red is finishing, I'll be at least interested to see how it ends.  Same with Rogue, looking forward to Dredd.

Good luck with the autumn offensive, not my cup of tea, but enjoyed the Tales of Telguuth.

Generally Contrary

I think Nu Earth still has legs, even if Rogue does not.  Of course, as a legendary figure he could turn up in the stories or the stories within stories in the 'Tales from Nu Earth' that would be a way to keep this rich fictional environment interesting.


Nu Earth is almost a blank canvas, really.  It's a war without end and no beginning, with two sides constantly killig eachother.  other than this and the cool weaponry/biowire and stuff, we know not a lot.  A Nu Earth War Stories series on and off like Future Shocks and Terror Tales could go down a treat.


I wish Rogue would use Lox Bombs again. (Lox = liquid oxygen)

They were cool. No pun intended.

- Trout