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Started by Byron Virgo, 21 April, 2004, 03:47:41 AM

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Byron Virgo

Go to John Higgins website and you can check out three pages of the upcoming serial Faces, a sequel to Freaks, by John and Mindy Newell.

Link:" target="_blank">B/W Comic Art


never heard of freaks, what was that about?


I just read Freaks again recently,Its a strange tale about a normal bloke ending up in an alien world were they treat him like a freak cos he doesnt look like them.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


I'm missing a few parts in the original run so I'm hanging out for a Meg or Extreme reprint to get me up to speed for Faces.

Nice Artwork there, Mr. Higgins :)

Mr D


Bloke (called Wolfe or something) ditches a woman in a club because she's ugly (calls her a freak) and later has to make a run for it because she returns with her bruiser brother. He jumps on a London bus, which turns out to be a probe type thing in disguise from an alien world. They've found a gateway to our world, and are exploring it a little. He's declared a freak because he doesn't look like them, and experimented on. One fella is sympathetic, but fails to convince anyone so he helps him escape. During the escape, however, the sympathetic alien dies, and the evil ones pin it on our man. They try to hunt him down, and he manages to get back to the gateway with the help of the nice guy's daughter. He learns that appearances aren't everything (hurrah!) and falls in love with her. However, when they finally get the the gateway, they are cut off by the evil alien's men. It looks like it'll tun nasty until two SUPER alien things appear - the species who built the gateway in the first place. They're very powerful, and mock both Wolfe and the aliens for a while, calling them freaks. Eventually, somehow, the gateway is sealed and Wolfe and the daughter are on earth, where he proudly admits to being her boyfriend.

Or something. Read it a while ago, so that was from memory...