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Solar Wind wins!

Started by starscape, 30 May, 2004, 05:54:25 AM

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The Amstor Computer

Has he really left for good? I thought he was just on jury duty...


No, it was a mixture of jury duty, extreme editing and board hassles.  

I have heard he's due back sometime soon though, having proved with two months cold turkey, it is possible.

Thanks to everyone who contributed, voted or just bought a copy, and Kev Sutherland, Diamond and Knockabout for sposoring the award.

Most of the copies but for a few review copies were sold at Bristol, and I even had offers to buy the proof copies.  Oh, and there are less than 10 issue 2's left, so it went well.  

Unfortunately due to various hassles there were less comics than intended for Sunny and Big War, which dissapointed a lot of people, me included.

But I will be printing more of the current issues this week or next, as soon as I can get some of the myhtical black spice (toner), I'll try and get contributors copies out ASAP.

I need help from someone who can pick up some toner supplies from near Old Trafford 9-5 week days if there are any volunteers (I'll pay expenses, postage and free comics for the effort).

Cheers for all the thanks, if I sound less than jubilent, it's just that I've been up all night being ill, not sure if it's a delayed reaction to Bristol or Jay Eales put me under a voodoo curse.

Thanks again


The Amstor Computer

Glad to hear it, PVS - and congrats on the success of the comic (though it's going to make it fecking impossible to get a copy :-))

House of Usher

Solar Wind and Big War are great (even though I thought more should have happened in Death Sphere). I wasn't tempted by Sunny, For Girls because I thought I'd got the joke already. But 'Kick Like a Girl' sounds magic!

I look forward to reading it some day.


"I wasn't tempted by Sunny, For Girls because I thought I'd got the joke already."

Well, I don't see it as any more of a single joke idea than Solar Wind really.  But the reveiew in the latest issue of Redeye (Issue 2 for all you Brit Comic lovers is now available) basically agreed with you, and I was aware that for many people that was the case. Some people loved it, some weren't bothered.  

It was a first attempt, and some lessons with the comic were learned in issue 2.  I agree about DeathSphere as well, I gave it a break so I could have a proper think about it.

Sunny is now a seperate title, so if it's not your cup of tea, then you don't have to feel pressured into picking it up.  It looks like there will be an Issue 2 of Sunny as contributor interest was very high at Bristol.

Feel free to add any comments in the SW forum, I always like to listen to what people have to say, good or bad.

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