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Solar Wind 3, Sunny for Girls and Big War Comic

Started by paulvonscott, 30 June, 2004, 04:53:58 AM

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Damn, forgot the pic.


pvs - how much for postage to Canada (for Solar Wind #3 and Big War Comic)?  Plus I have a 5 month old niece, maybe I should get Sunny for Girls for her?


Hail, Ming.

Has your neice destroyed her first planet yet?  

Yes, I'm sure your 'niece' would find it a lot of fun, but obviously you wouldn't be able to read it yourself, not being a girl.

I'll get a Canada postage price.  It was about ?2.30/?3 for 2 or 3 comics to Australia, so expect about that sort of mark, maybe a bit less.



p.s. Megadeth, not my place to convince you one way or another, but they'll all be available when your finances are in better shape, so don't spend it if you don't have it is my advice (advice I wouldn't follow myself of course).


pvs - No, my niece is just at the learn-an-evil-laugh and fix-you-with-a-steely-stare stage.  Ornella Muti, on the other hand...
ta for checking the postage rate.