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Curiosity: Things you never hope you have to go through, although curiosity might just get the bette

Started by ukdane, 22 August, 2004, 11:14:22 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou

yeah? what is that about ...does anyone know the science?  i suppose if it was from a plane you'd get the air knocked out of you & suffocate as you gathered speed...

in a dream where i died , i'd fallen outta a top floor window ( to escape the tigers & save everyone else of course ), man, that thump as i hit the ground was awful.... *shudders*... but then being dead was pretty chilled out.

was it this thread when someone said about wanting to jump off cliffs?  i get that, its like reverse vertigo, i feel this rush of energy like i could just lean forward & Flyyyyyyyyyyyy, quite scary really.


Hope I never have to go through (again) having a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) or blood clot. Which left my leg and went to my lung. How does it feel... kinda like having a large knife pushed through my chest and out my back. Then someone rocking that large knife back and fourth,


House of Usher

No, it's not true that you die before you hit the ground. People have survived falls of several thousand feet from aircraft as long as they had something sufficiently soft or yielding break their fall upon landing. It's definitely that sudden, massive impact with the ground that kills you.

There is one case in particular where a flight attendant fell from a passenger airplane (sorry, I don't know how) over a coniferous forest and was fortunate enough not to be impaled on a tree top. She crashed down through a few hundred feet of branches before landing on the ground with a few nasty fractures, but lived to tell the tale.

Matt Timson

And what a tale it'd be, too...

"...Yeah?  Well there was this one time when I like, *totally* fell out of this plane, right..."


Queen Firey-Bou

" oh yeah , right, pull the other one, so anywey there i was at tescos..."

" no i rilly rilly like fell out of this plane .."

" look just shuttup will ya its not funny, wierdo"

Matt Timson

I take it all back- drugs are for mugs:

Link:" target="_blank">proper twat...



Matt Timson

Well that was annoying- I was actually trying to send you to the twat right at the bottom of this page...

Link:" target="_blank">Fool


Matt Timson


Max Kon