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Star Wars DVD Gold vs Silver

Started by ukdane, 09 September, 2004, 11:08:24 PM

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WHSmith was also ?29.99 "for today only" and HMV were charging ?34.95 (same price for gold and silver boxes).


26.99 from Choices Direct and 27.99 from Play - if you want to buy on-line, also 26.99 from SoftwareXpress.

And answering me own question - the Wolly's website has it up at 29.99


WHSmith was also ?29.99 "for today only"

The Smith's here was ?29.99 only if you bought another chart DVD and ?34.99 without. Game was selling it for about ?38.

I got mine from Woolie's in the end, getting *exactly* the same Top Trump cards as you, Gothmog.


Amazon is a bit cheaper then that, it seems. And free 1st class postage too.

Better set your phaser to stun.


I got mine from Woolie's in the end, getting *exactly* the same Top Trump cards as you, Gothmog.

Hmmm.  Could this be a convergence of The Force or are there only five cards in the packaging machine?

Perplexing are the mysteries of the universe.


Sod the DVD release!!!! Is anybody else getting Battlefront this weekend? Can't wait to take control of the Imperial Storm Troopers, "Die you rebel scum!!!!!!"

(is this anyway for a 31 year old bloke to behave?)


Son thinks that all the changes theyve made are 'cool' then he's only 8! Keeps watching the Clone Wars cartoons on Toonarmy!

I'm a purest, want to see thwm how I saw them when I was little. 'Tsk' Spoiling the 'ghosts' at the end of ROTJ, it was bad enough that he redid Sny Snootles and the Rebo band in Jabba's palace!

(I still have a M.Falcon and a AT-AT, mine, not sons!Is this anyway for a 31 year old woman to behave!):-)


Oh yes - and you should never change...


Well mine arrived on preorder from Amazon, whilst you were all still tucked up in bed (but I've only just had the chance to get in here!).

Thought the episode III Vader preview was a bit of a let down. Was hoping for a LOT more!



I just don't know whether to buy or no-I'm not the fan I once was,mainly down to Ep1&2.

All this fannying about with the originals is really startinmg to get on me wick.The only reason to change the ghosts,emporer etc is to make it out as some perfect set of films that were always going to be made.And because they can.

(I still have ALL my originall SW toys-MFalcon,AT-AT,X-wing,Slave 1,B-Wing,Snowspeeder,AT-ST,Y-wing,'mini rigs' about 90 odd figures STILL WITH THEIR ORIGINAL WEAPONS!INCLUDING SOME OF THE FABLED LAST 17!)

Definatley considering sale,mind.

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Mr D

Everyone who likes Star Wars, buy it.
Love it.
Enjoy it right to the very last scene in Return Of The Jedi, then shut your eyes till you hear the theme music. Voila - perfect Star Wars pleasure.
All the new alterations are for the better as far as I noticed except THAT BLOODY ONE.

It's the first time I've shelled out for Star Wars and I'm not disappointed. Great set, and at just over ?25 a great price for three fantastic movies.

Sorry, I'm gushing.

Playable X-Box level of Battlefront too. Woo!


Greedo still shoots first.

who?  what?  do i care?  i have the now-not-so-special special edition boxset from '97.  it's on tape.  and small screen.  i think that's enough for me.


bought the "special editions" on Laserdisc for less than ?15 - ain't buying these