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NEW new year's resolutions thread

Started by Bico, 23 December, 2004, 01:58:39 AM

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Ow! My ass! Careful with the scythe Krusty...

...and please pass me my legs

Slippery PD

Sigh OK heres mine
1.  In a rerun from last year, iuts to loose some weight and get fitter.  I never seem to quite get to a point where Im entirely happy with either.  When I get fit I dont loose weight, just pack on more muscle.  When I loose weight I cant seem to get enough energy to keep fit.  Maybe Ill just have to say flabby but happy and sorta fit?!?!?!
2.  New Job.  yes again.  Although Im waiting for my "offer" to some through fingers crossed.
3.  Make my wife happier.  Shes having an op that will help her on the way in January....  Thankfully.
4.  To try and be serious with people (erm Women) and not spend all my time reading innuendo or smut into every conversation.....  


Queen Firey-Bou

yes slips & you can Thank auntie Bou & her world of serious smutlessness to helping you reach that goal, however i might just test & try your resolve by getting veeery vereey flirty , just out of pure eeevil.

Slippery PD


1. Complete at least one collection. (Anyone got the Revolver Romance special going free?)
2. Lose weight.
3. Have some money to spend on comics.
4. Drink less...well maybe!
5. Update PC eventually.


My only resolution is to get something published somewhere


I dunno

Pretty vague, but I like it

Max Kon

I've already completed several of mine of should do soon.

So I've got a new one

put on weight. yes. I put on weight when I get to the gym often. Muscle is heavier than fat. I currently weight 82kg (13 stone). My goal is 19 stone. I've actually put on a kg in the last month.

And anotherone is to lose all excess fat. Good health here I come.