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Anyone know about colouring?

Started by Byron Virgo, 25 January, 2005, 11:41:24 PM

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Byron Virgo

I've got this picture here (art + words by Bryan Coyle) which I'd quite like to see colourised. Not being a technical type, I thought I'd see if anyone on the board was prepared to take a bash? I'd be quite happy to make some sort of remuneration - I'm not sure what the going rate is, but I'm sure we could work something out.

Link:" target="_blank">Bigger B&W Version">

Richmond Clements

Send it to me Byron, and I'll see what I can do.

Byron Virgo


You're not only a generous man with a stout heart Richmond, but you're also really really good look-ing (sorry, I watched Zoolander again the other week!)

What format do you need it? I've got it in b&w (which, to be honest, looses a lot of the detail), grey, or full colour?


That is really quite a funny single-pager, you know.

Richmond Clements

Well, if you want it coloured, then the black and white version would be the best one. But if as you say, it looses detail, then send me whatever one you think's best.


Note to self:  Don't send Ed Berridge anything I scribble while watching Ultimate Force just because I find it vaguely amusing.  EVER.
Apart from anything else, he'll insist on getting the spelling of Al Qaida right, and changing "Admiral Akbar!" to "Jihad Kufar!".


Although, to be fair, he does draw a better Big Ben than me.

Byron Virgo

To be fair, it actually said "ALLAH AKBAR!", which didn't make sense, so I replaced it with something that did (KUFAR means the infidel/infidels). If it had said ADMIRAL AKBAR, I would have left it.

I was quite pleased with the inking on Big Ben though, and I don't think my 'gunnage' is too bad either!




I can't wait for this to be released. My PSA script involves Penny being forced to do PE outside in her Vest and Pants, only it's raining...

Byron Virgo

Oh, God! My poor, poor creation, in the hands of a schoolgirld obsessed juvenile madman...
