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The True Horror of Easter...

Started by Byron Virgo, 24 March, 2005, 07:06:24 PM

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Byron Virgo

There are some to whom the Easter Holliday is more than just chocolate eggs, fluffy chicks, and being forced to watch Songs of Praise with your Nan.

To some, it is a time of blood, pain and pestillential, bon-chilling terror!

If you are one of these people (or if you are simply curious), you might do worse than direct your browser towards the new Monster Squad Easter Special strip.


*Or it might not. What am I, a bloody fortune teller?

Link:" target="_blank">The Season of the Egg is here...


Again with lies, your damn lies!

On the banner you say 'updated every weekend', yet you go for a weekend or more, with no updates, then when you do update it's not the weekend!

You've got some explaining to do,Mon frere


Byron Virgo


Okay, three points:

1) We were knocked out of action by this virus that some interweb tosspot infected us with.

2) As many people (including me) are off work tomorrow, technically the weekend begins today.

3) SHUT THE $%*& UP!! (but obviously still keep reading the site - I wouldn't want to alienate anyone!)

Max Kon

Where is Redding? Reading is just out of london, but Redding?

Byron Virgo

Well, this can easily be explained through the use of 'alternate history' - the Reading of the Monster Squad world is known by the more traditional spelling of 'Redding', just as the blues/soul labe Stax is known as 'Staz'.

Much nicer way of explaining it than admitting that we failed to successfully proof-read the strip properly...


Truely scary ending...

...loved the director's commentry!
Better set your phaser to stun.

Byron Virgo

Not my idea but Paul's, actually. I thought it might be  bit superfluous, but I'm glad someone liked it. I found it quite interesting myself, actually!

"Truly scary ending..."

Wait until you see the conclusion next week!


Ok nothing to do with whats been discussed but this for ME is...THE TRUE HORROR OF EASTER!


Link:" target="_blank">


And Byron gives himself a round of applause for a job well done...">

Byron Virgo

No, I can't do that anymore after the court order. I had to do community service - they made me teach underprivaledged kids how to play basketball.

Keep your eyes peeled for par two next week, plus more updates to come, including the next weekly three panel strip, more biographies, timelines, fan art, and the first in a semi-regular column for the site!