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UNIT website..."ESSEX"????

Started by therev, 19 April, 2005, 06:53:05 PM

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Just seen that UNIT have their own website, quite amusing if you read the small print...

"..UNIT cannot be held responsible for any injury, death, personal harm, damage, alarm, seizure, catalepsy, cataclysm, armageddon, apocalypse, sepulchasm, maiming, disappearance, reappearance, alteration, reprogramming, vision loss, temporal impairment or glitterclysm caused by the use of this site."

                      YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Link:" target="_blank">


Grant Goggans

I don't suppose "James Stevens" is reading this forum currently?  Heaven knows we wouldn't want his crusading, muckraking eyes to see that Secure Login page.



Hey Sarge, it's TUESDAY again!
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


>Hey Sarge, it's TUESDAY again!

Heh.. I noticed that one as well...


Even better than that one was:

"But what has happened to Luton?" Coping with common press enquiries
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


Wasn't there also a site for that nut in the first episode? Buggered if I can find it now.


It was probably overwhelmed by people claiming to have seen that mysterious "Doctor" on their televisions...

Steve Green

They seem to be updating it as the episodes air

- Steve