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Kill Bill

Started by petemaskreplica, 16 August, 2005, 05:56:28 AM

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Yes, I know I'm way behind all you hep cats who saw it in the cinema, but...

My brother got me both of them for my birthday, and I watched them over the weekend. I have to say I really enjoyed them, they're beautifully filmed and quite spectacular, but my problem with them is the same as my problem with all Tarantino's films, that all he seems to do is pastiche other movies. I've nothing against films that comment on other films (hell, I love Leone, after all) but I wish he'd occasionally stop it and try and say something original. Surely someone who's capable of producing such technically accomplished work is capable of more? Any thoughts?

(And isn't the terminology "Volume 1/2" tremendously pretentious?)

Byron Virgo

And that second film drags on for *ages*!


heh, I did have to go to bed and watch the finale of the second one the next day. I put that down to my extreme drunkenness rather than the film, though ;)

Byron Virgo

Oh no, it just goes on and on and on, and you're just sitting there waiting for something to happen, and then it doesn't. And they have the gall to show them watching Shogun Assassin, which leads me to thing "Hey! I could be watching a Babycart film here (or better still reading the books) and get my money's worth at half the price!"

Mr C

And she doesn't even get her waps out. Waste of time!

Byron Virgo

I'm not sure I'd want to see them after they've been all sliced up and covered in salt and ick, thank you very much.

Some people have the strangest standards!


>And she doesn't even get her waps out. Waste of time!

That's how I judge every film... that and car chases...

(The bit were she gets on the aeroplane to Tokyo until she starts the big fight is the finest bit of cinema, ever)

I'm waiting for his war film... I don't care if it's an blend of ten other films, it'll still rock.

Byron Virgo

"The bit were she gets on the aeroplane to Tokyo until she starts the big fight is the finest bit of cinema, ever"

Nope, that honour goes to the ending of The Third Man.

And is it possible to call a brief moritorium on using the word "rock" as a descriptive term, except when used in a geological sense.

Funt Solo

Being a vocabulary-luddite rocks.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Byron Virgo

You cheeky young whipper-snapper! If I can get my arthritic-ridden legs to catch up with you, I'll tan your hide my lad!

I remember when it was all fields round here...


well, i thought the were great.  preffered v1 with the whole japanese style as oppose to the western style of v2.  cool sumaari sword slashing away at the crazy 88's, and what a bloody brilliant soundtrack, The Lonely Shepard, which plays during the end credits is permanently on my mp3 player.

i suppose tarentino is such a movie geek he cant help but do his own interpritation of the things he loves.  but didn't i hear he was writing a war 'epic' of some kind.

And she doesn't even get her waps out. Waste of time!

but - but - but - she stood on an eye ball!

Lord Running Clam

I think the war film he is making is called Inglorious Bastards,and is like the Dirty Dozen.

Byron Virgo

"i hear he was writing a war 'epic' of some kind."

Vainglorious Bastards, starring Michael Madsen.