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Meg 241 - Enter the Dragon!

Started by Dudley, 09 January, 2006, 06:17:42 PM

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...which would've been better entertainment then Shimura at the moment!
Better set your phaser to stun.

Artificial Idiot

Sheesh, am I the only person who liked Anderson this month and isn't tired of it?

I thought this tale was probably one of the best for awhile - Certaintly better than the one before it. It seems like a good time for poor Cass to take a restbite though, let something else take the space for a bit and I'm sure the next tale will seem much more fresh.

Dredd was ok, can't get over how one guy has a Rogue Trooper helmet and the other is basically Hulk-Rogue though. Funnily enough, they're the only things that stick out...


Well, i suppose i should put myself in the firing line: Im enjoying Shimura!
I think im enjoying it because its such a no-brainer (hey, theres nothing wrong with popcorn!), but mainly because of Colin Macneil's work. Even when slightly substandard, Macneil's work shines!

Also enjoying PJ's Dredd artwork, my only gripe being that its a little cluttered at times. The plot is a little confusing, but i trust Wagner enough to pull it all together in the end!

Anderson: Yawn-o-rama.

McNulty: Must confess to not having read any of this yet. Gonna wait till its finished and give it a go then.

Charley's War: Sublime! Nuff said!

Koburn: See above!

The Bolland interview was pretty boring, the heatseeker pages were as pointless as ever (just how much free stuff do the writers get for plugging stuff in these pages? Im guessing Spurrier got a free Frightners DVD!) and the Metro Dredds are just embarrasing.

All in all, a good Meg. But its time to clear the deadwood...

El Spurioso


Have you tried?  Didn't someone score shitloads of free CD's in the early 90's for Roxilla's page?

House of Usher

Shouldn't that be a freeeloader who scored loads of shit CDs?


All in all, going through all the above, its easy to see wher the board/ hive mind would like the Meg to go, but any signs of this happening? or new and different stories at least? or is the Meg's audience bigger and more mature that us?

Heatseekers? yea or nay? is it just a cheap way of filling pages or a worthy comment on the medja world?

Personally I think one could find unlimited comment on the web so unless it's relevant to the Megacity it shouldn'y really be in there. But the idea of artist or writer venting their spleen I find fun.

and, one last thing, when was the last time you saw a WOW! cover on the meg?

DDT did a job on me

Artificial Idiot

A 'WOW' cover? As in one that made me go 'WOW'? Well, that 'bastards' cover springs to mind...


May as well add my thoughts here too.

Shimura. This , to me, feels like a dreadful Marvel Team-up. Then again it did begin with the 'Hey 2000ad readers, buy the Meg it's got Judge Dredd in it as well, you know' I can understand. It did start well.

Warzone, is just poor. Another team-up. The characters are dull and well, I have come to expect a greater degree of sophistication form the meg over the years. This is just, well, naff.

Koburn is very good. having been away from the meg for a few years (the reprint years killed me), this is the first I have seen of himmand it'll do me niceley. It's the only story that has that quirky meg humourous streak that is blatantly missing from the other strips.