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Prog 1484 - The Hitmen & Her

Started by The Enigmatic Dr X, 15 April, 2006, 04:01:19 PM

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Carlsborg Expert


I'm with house of on this, criticisms but no disapointments. It was a very good prog. Didn't like the cover though.

The con people (I'd do italics here if I knew how to) were bantering about 150 year old films, but so what? It's a common problem with sci fi; do you invent future films (which are in your characters' pasts) or do you go with contemporary resonance. More importantly Lobster Random rocked and ruled, so hooray for Spurrier.
   Trivia about this prog, it has occasioned Floyd's best (or worst, depending on your point of view) letter writing frenzy yet. He was asked to do reviews for 2000adreview and made each review into a letter.

I, Cosh

do you invent future films (which are in your characters' pasts) or do you go with contemporary resonance.

Having just read Case Files 03, I'm dying to see The Beasts That Ate Mars.

And the sequel....

The Beasts That Ate The Beasts That Ate Mars!
We never really die.


...and the remake:

The Feast of Beasts that ate the Beasts that ate the beasts that ate Mars

and the one that flopped: Mars the Revenge

and the latest: The Beasts that ate the Onion Rings of Saturn and larged it with a Milky Shake Way

Carlsborg Expert

Do you reckon all these set ups will come to something in Dredd?

Is there a hint of a moving through of Dredd the elder?

Following Origins perhaps?


About this latest cover...I really dont see the point in commissioning a cover from an artist not invloved with the actual story he's depicting...Aimme Nixon looked more like Bec FFS..

Keef Monkey

I was actually really moved by that latest Dredd story because I had images in my head of him leaving to take the long walk. I was saddened so I was, although Mrs Monkey pointed out they would probably still have the occasional story depicting his retired exploits out in the cursed earth so he'll never be truly gone. Unless they kill him, but Tharg wouldn't do that to me. Would he?

Dog Deever

Cover: Steve Roberts is not the droid for this type of character, in my opinion. Whilst i like some of his stuff on B&C, this just doesn't look right. I think the nose is a tip of the 2000ad Benny hat (refuse point blank to use the name 'beanie') to Flint's Aimee.

Dredd: Quality work from Gordon Rennie, hopefully all this talk of Wagners retirement is somewhat premature, but i've no objection to Gordon doing some more Dredd work. Koburn in the Meg has been good too, and shows he's got a handle on Dredd that only the absolute purists can deny. Don't normally care much for Anthony Williams art, but this was much better especially his colours which i usually detest. Sorry.
Random: O.K., kids- clever, witty, inspired dialogue, fantastic artwork- pick of the prog at the moment. Lets hope the story doesn't get lost in the convoluted cleverness that was his last outing.
ABC's: Rolling along, i agree it will read better together, the weekliness of 2k slows down what should be a fast paced battle, I recon a GN will get across the action. Artwork is ace. Pat Mills dialogue is sometimes a bit clunky- always was- except Black Siddha which is tres cool.
86'ers- started to get more interesting, though other than a blue character, and some of the naming, i don't find it particularly evocative of the original Rogue stuff, and when he appeared it seemed a bit surreal. And he looked in his fifties! Can you do your own colouring PJ? I'd like to see that, coz the Blythe droids colouring doesn't help the artwork- i've always found it bland and utterly uninspired. OK- this has been niggling me since i came back to the fold of Scrotnig a few years back. It's not that it's bad- it's just totally mediocre, with no real vision or feel for the atmosphere or mood of the story. If the colours are done by the artist himself, he will usually do a better job than a photoshop wizard- "woo look i can colour in with a computer" woopy fokkin do, there ain't no art in that. Sorry Chris- but the art is in the vision, not the execution.
Lowlife: I like this series, though i'm not keen on some of the characters they are in keeping with MC-1. Coleby's art is very good, i wasn't was never keen on it way back when he started in 19mumble mumble, but i have to say how good he is now in the interest of Karmic balance. Before his stuff was stiff, now it's much more fluid and adventurous- confidence breeds success i suppose. Good stuff.
Overall a good prog, except for the reminders that i can't go to the bristol expo, and i don't have rogue trooper.Arse.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Great Prog, seemed to take ages to read.

Dredd was well written and nicely drawn, highlighting a softer Justice Dept approach to its older judges, but ultimately this was just a pleasant retread of several earlier strips.  Still, no harm in that, and Grennie's Dreddvoice grows ever more convincing - it's only the obligatory mention of the wider Family Dredd that identifies the author.

Lobster was a dense little gem, loved the symbol gag.

Low Life.  Nice art.  Story just starting, we'll see.  I'd prefer it if 'undercover' Judge Nixon didn't keep telling everybody her name.

ABCs.  Sigh, I know I shouldn't, but I really love this childishly wonderful story.  Robots beating each other up is such a perfect vehicle for great Flinty art!  The only thing is, I do wish that the new Mars stories hadn't been blighted by the 'backup bodies' rubbish - Lara didn't build you that body, Mongrol you nerk, that's a brand new one (and why it too was built out of battlefield scrap is a bit of a mystery).  How can we feel the Warriors are ever in jeopardy when they can just pop into a spare?  And no, I'm not overthinking - overthinking would be pointing out that everyone other than Steelhorn has a 'younger' version of themself running around out there somewhere...  Try to pay attention, Pat.

The '86ers. As someone mentioned earlier on, I was a bit non-plussed by this story until this ep prompted me to sit down and re-read it as a whole - it's actually a well realised little cast/setting with an intriguing plot.  Oddly, the only dud moment is Rogue's brief appearance  Could this be the first really successful Rogueverse story since Cinnebar?  PJ is more than holding his end up on the art, although it would have been fascinating to see Richardson follow it all the way through - give it the consistent look that a multiple-character story needs.  

Oh, and I quite liked the cover - striking, I thought.


Quick self-pimp!

My review is now up on the 2000adreview site.

Link: It's here somwhere

judge dreddd

judge dreddd

ahhh nope, its been a longgg time till a prog, i dont take much notice of the covers, durr, i forgot that nixon was in it as her own story and not with dredd