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What next?

Started by Floyd-the-k, 17 May, 2006, 06:25:52 PM

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Lent has been and gone and I made a trip to the library for;

one of the 100 bullets books (which was ace, if confusing in parts)

Ronin by Frank Miller (which I'd - the shame!- never read)

Death of Superman (which I remember all the fuss about at the time and which was bloody awful)

Oh and I'm working my way through a jolly volume of Wagner/Mills Dr Who comics

what should I read next (apart from the progs)? Any tips?

I, Cosh

I was going to say it depends on what you've already read, but now I'll just recommend Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns."

And Akira.
We never really die.


"which was ace, if confusing in parts"

Which one did you read?  If you take 'em out of order then you're going to be missing substantial chunks of subplot and important background at best.

Other than that... I just got the collected Criminal Macabre, by Niles and Templesmith - the twisted minds that unleashed 30 Days Of Night on the world.  It's great: violent, gory and more than a little funny.  Anything that has werewolves crushed beneath falling wales has to be worth checking out, don't you think?

Ex Machina's rather good, too.  Can't remember who it's by, offhand, but I think it's the same chap who wrote Sleeper.  Which is also worth a look.

I'm currently reading Soulwind, by Scott Morse.  It, too, is really good.  The black and white art manages to be simple yet gorgeous, and I can't really explain the plot - even what genre it fits into - but it's well worth a look if you can find it.

Carlsborg Expert

I've just been informed the 25th may is a bank holiday which is great as all the bank holidays this year have been one holy fcuk-up after another.

I'm looking forward to it.


I'd agree with Dark Knight Akira and Ex Mach..

And Add, Maus, The Maxx (an aquired taste...) and Mage.

 I also like comics which start with other letters, but I really can't think of any worth reccomending right now, I'm supposed to be working y'know...


Oooh, Ooooh, Ooooh...

Understanding Comics, doesn't start with N

Carlsborg Expert

The League of Ultra Cats. Excellent read with the Molar coming along in Viz style antics. (chortle)

Mangaquake of which I only have one copy. The second one.

Jock gave me a shedload to read.He was chucking them and I caught them.

Secret of the Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing-Love in Vain(which puts 2th in the shade for gore)
Superman-True Brit
Bastard Samarai
Batman Begins


well I've got Seven Soldiers V2, Y Last Man V5, Top 10 The 49ers, first two volumes of Invisibles and another 100 Bullets on the way and of those I can recomend Seven Soldiers(top Grant Morrison super heroics if collected a bit strangly, seems top miss half the mini's)
Y The Last Man is a good bit of fun with some quite moving story arcs, haven't read the Invisables yet but heard good things and its by Morrison so it cant be all bad.  Top 10 The 49ers, more Top 10 by Moore nuff said.  
Ex- Machina sounds pretty good from what I've heard(Thats the one about the Mayor Super Hero isn't it?) and might start on that one soon.  I think Brian K VAghns the writer fro it, he also does Y Last Man that I know of.

CU Radbacker

Grant Goggans

La Perdida by Jessica Abel and Just a Pilgrim by Ennis & Ezquerra are currently on my nightstand.

I recommend a comic every Wednesday on my Livejournal.  Modesty Blaise was this week's offering.

Link:" target="_blank">Read lots about comics at my LJ

I, Cosh

Seven Soldiers(top Grant Morrison super heroics if collected a bit strangly, seems top miss half the mini's)

As I understand it, they're being collected in release date order and some of the series (serieses?) had finished before the others began to fit in with the overarching plot.
We never really die.


ha ha, just got a whole heap in the PO Box, I forgot to mention the Walking Dead which on a quick glance looks damn tasty

CU Radbacker


The Walking Dead is great. It's the only other comic I read, besides 2000AD and The Meg.



lots of good tips there!  I did read 100 bullets out of order (I think I was reading book number 4). Using the library you can't really avoid that. Either they don't have everything or it takes forever to get things in so you can read them in order, so I just took pot luck. Good stuff though.
Thanks for all the tips - I'll look out for them.