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Pete Wisdom

Started by longmanshort, 28 July, 2006, 07:49:14 PM

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I may have to break my self-imposd boycott of Marvel's X-Men output - Paul Cornell's writing a MAx series about British character Pete Wisdom, which is being illustrated by the lovely Trevor Harsine. The news was unveiled at the Marvel panel at the San Diego Comic-Con.

Sounds fantastic - have always been a fan of Paul's output since his Doctor Who New Adventures tales and Xtnct did nothing to dim my enthusiasm. So, looking forward to this ...

From Paul's blog:
"Wisdom is the story of X-Men supporting cast member Pete Wisdom, a British intelligence officer who works for MI-13, the department of the weird. He used to go out with Kitty Pryde (the girl in the X-Men movies who can move through solid objects? I?m writing this blog as always for many different audiences, some of whom won?t know any of this stuff). His team are all new characters, including John the Skrull, a shapeshifting alien invader from the 1960s who still looks and acts like John Lennon. And I get to use some of my favourite supporting cast members from various Marvel comics set in Britain.

You won?t need to know a thing about anything Marvel to enjoy the book, it?s entirely self-explanatory and looking for new readers.

The comic is in Marvel?s Max line, so it?s got an 18 certificate, the odd swearword, a dark sense of humour, nudity (infrequent, horny), a bit of sophistication, I like to think, and a lot of beery fighting. I hope the Britain it portrays feels real (especially the bits set in Wiltshire), even when we?re dealing with military missions against Fairyland.

The artist is the great Trev Hairsine, whose photo-realistic style and sense of storytelling and character make me look like I know what I?m doing. The editor is Nick Lowe, who's been laid-back and lovely throughout, and keeps making the best points about story, one of the best execs I've ever worked with in any medium."

Link:" target="_blank">Bless

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+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


Something Fishy

I just got New Excalibur and he is in this.  I think he was created by Warren Ellis during his first run on Excalibur?

Seems a good character.  Looks worthwhile.


I seriously like Trev H's work. I may have a look at this.


thanks forthe heads up, Max style Xbook might be alright.

CU Radbacker