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New Hot Fuzz Trailer!!!

Started by Goaty, 10 February, 2007, 08:18:35 PM

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"Is it wrong to be attracted to a bird because she has all the Spaced DVDs?"

she is perfect girl!


Weird Al is even more picky...

Except she was always using the word "infer"
When she obviously meant "imply"
And I know some guys would put up with that kind of thing
But frankly, I can't imagine why

And I told her, I said
"Hey! Are we playing horseshoes, honey?
No, I don't think we are!
You're close! (Close!)
But no cigar!"


Saw this last night. Excellent stuff. Very funny. Go see!
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


Very funny but I got the impression that they (Pegg, Wright, Frost et al) enjoyed making the last thirty minutes a lot more than I enjoyed watching it. That can't be right.

But some absolutely inspired gags and agree with PVS, there's definitely a bit of Dredd in there.

Both central characters flawed but likeable(eventually).  Timothy Dalton particularly good along with the comedic gore.

And my goodness, wasn't EVERY British actor/actress in it.

Wasn't so keen on the simple aping of many action movie cliches - taht's what the very lazy SCARY MOVIE films tend to do - but I did enjoy it where they turned them on the head


such as Nick and Danny on the sofa "I know how to turn you off"

My usual TWENTY MINUTES TOO LONG rule applies.

But well worth a visit.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Amstor Computer

Just back from seeing this. Fantastic stuff, and a riot to watch with a packed cinema - plenty of laughs at Olivia Colman's slutty rural WPC (esp. the spitroast!) and some gasps at the outrageous gore gags (the dispatch of a certain character courtesy of a piece of church masonry was astonishing).

Like Tips, I felt it maybe stayed slightly too long (Shaun of the Dead suffered from the same problem) but unlike him I didn't have any problems with the riotous last section. After the build-up, they had to have that explosive finale & it really worked well, making fun of action movie cliches at the same time as it embraced them & spun them round to fit the setting.

Film of the year so far!


Finally saw this last night and bloomin' loved it.

The build up of the plot reminded me of classic Robo-hunter, where it started with a fairly realistic setting and gradually distorted this until the only way to go was over the top.


Bolt-01- late to the party.


Finally saw this last night and bloomin' loved it.

there must be some strange synchronicity in the bolt and thinky households, because we finally got around to watching it last night as well

it wasn't what i was expecting, which meant it was loads better that i'd anticipated.

top stuff, and well worth the wait

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...

Funt Solo

Overall, I enjoyed the movie but found it far too jump-cutty in several places, most notably the action scenes.  

I don't know if Edgar Wright was left with no choice due to what they'd filmed up to that point, or whether he just got addicted to them, but the whole gun battle sequence, especially in the supermarket, was just far too jarring.  

Added to that, what was the point of the police-with-guns vs. butchers-with-cleavers sequence, except that it was a bit like facing those baddies from arcade games that repeatedly throw a never-ending supply of (eg) meat cleavers at you till you shoot them.  Was that why that was there?  Seemed stupid.  And why would the butcher section of a supermarket have bullet-proof glass?

Mind you, I seem to be the only one that hates the "don't stop me now" scene from Shaun of the Dead.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Being born and growing up just round the corner from Wells, I loved every bit of it.  But let's face it, when a film's THAT local to you, you're using different criteria to everyone else (I remember seeing Remains of the Day in a Clevedon cinema... the chorus of tuts when the film pretended parts of Weston-super-Mare were in Clevedon would have made Anthony Hopkins die of shame...)

Peter Wolf

  last in to the party to see this but it has gone on to the list for rental next week.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


JUst watch it for first time last night (at Last!)

Really enjoy it! Hehe! Timothy Dalton steal the show!!!

And does this film got some bit Dredd in it?

for example, the film's NWA to Dredd's NMA???
Aaron A Aaronson etc.....