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Mac Tech help needed....

Started by Buddy, 06 August, 2007, 11:26:29 AM

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Peter Wolf

  Bloody hell !    More to come as they occur

  I have just been snapshotting Google Earth as i wasnt able to drag images onto the Desktop for some reason.

   Go to videos  , itunes etc  = command / escape

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Thanks for this : Shortcut for MS Word the lack of which has been driving me insane ... insert page break - CMD-Enter (for Windows users: CTRL-Enter does the same. I'm sure you already knew this). (Also: Mac differenatiates between return and enter - something the PC never has done)

(Although I'm sorely tempted to move to iWorks ...)

thinking a bit more like Windows users where security is concerned.

No. The average windows user DOESN'T think about security - this is the heart of the problem. Having anti-virus software always felt like an admission of 'I know my computer is not secure, but if something does get to my computer at least my anti-virus may be up to date enough to handle it'. The anology I always used was that, for most windows users, AV software was like keeping a rottweiler in your house while leaving your windows and doors open (a rottweiler, more often than not, that is too old to really be that useful).

Even now, it's still possible to run a windows network without anti-virus software (the key: hardware firewall, use thunderbird and firefox and don't visit porn sites) and NEVER have a problem (I know I've done it for over seven years) but when the auditors come in they'll want to know why you don't have AV software (just try explaining to them...)

Sorry - went off on one there.



Although I'm sorely tempted to move to iWorks ...

Don't do it - it's like the appalling ClarisWorks on steroids.  I'm currently trying to move our office off iWorks into MSOffice (the expense!).  'Course, we're mainly producing text reports with inserted spreadsheets and jpegs, which need to be read/edited by clients, so your mileage may differ.  


Apparently, the new version is a lot better. That said, Pages 2.0 was like wading through treacle, managing to make even Word look speedy and efficientâ??and that's quite something.


Don't do it

I'm assuming you're talking about the previous version (new version is just out, pages has a new wordprocessing mode rather than just page layout and it's added a spreadsheet - Numbers) - the new version looks great - and I won't be using it to swap with clients (except to, maybe, generate pdf invoices). Numbers looks amazing for my limited use. (I only really fire up office these days to do a bit of invoicing / spreadhseet work)

iMovie 08 - is also great (started to put all of my DV tapes onto a single massive hard disc - creating a quick 3 minute video is like using cut and paste in a word processor )- but don't throw out iMovie 06 it's still plenty useful.




Took the work mac to mac-sys (where they have some of PJ's Dredd artwork om the walls).

It keeps shutting down here at work but works just fine at mac-sys.

Solution has been resolved (for the moment anyway, mac was on all night ans is still on now) by using a PC keyboard instead of a mac keyboard.

Go figure!


mac-sys are good people - the artwork was a gift as their head honcho (Matt) is a good friend of mine.

Weird problem though. Still I've seen odder.



Faulty USB and Firewire devices can cause merry hell with any computerâ??PC or Mac. Thinking about it, that is one of the first checklist items with any faulty computerâ??remove every one of the peripherals and see what happens.


Just attached a different mac keyboard and it shutdown.

Have reattached PC keyboard and it's OK so far.

Peter Wolf

  Are any Mac users here familiar with Mac the Ripper ?  I cant divulge too much but you probably know what i mean without me having to spell it out .

   Its a bit naughty , kmow what i mean ?  say no more .....ssshhhhhhhhhh
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Yet ANOTHER mac in work has bit the dust (not in my department though).

Will only start in safe mode and when it does start up it's got pale red (is that pink??) dots all over the screen.

We've just had two new 20"imacs delivered (and I have to admit they do look lovely, aluminium case, gloss screen etc...), interesting to see how long they last.