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i know this has pob been asked a million times before but...

Started by jamesie01, 08 August, 2007, 02:41:41 AM

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....just wondering can anyone help me with the following two problems
a) how do i get an image to appear next to my posts?...i would really need a very "dumbed down" explanation of this as technical stuff leaves me cold.

B) i want to enter the august art competition but i dont have a clue how to add images to my posts.....any help would be greaty appreciated....thanks a lot


As long as you know how to use Image-Shack or Photobucket or one of the other sites which let you upload pitures from your computer.

If you don't know, then just read ButtonMan's last message on the actual Competition thread. He's given you instructions on how to use those websites.

If you want to put a picture up here.

Just find these three box's below the message box.


Optional Link URL:

Link Title:

Optional Image URL:

The one on top is for URl codes that should create a link to that web-page.

For example.....

The one in the middle Is merely for Labeling the Link. Such as......

  'The Art Competition Thread.'

The third is the one you want to use. Just right click on the image and copy the PROPERTIES if it's on the internet already or follow the inttructions from the site where the image is hosted. At the moment I am using 'Image-shack'. All I do there is click on the image thumb-nail and right click  and copy the properties of the enlarged image.

Such as..........

Link:" target="_blank">'The Art Competition Thread.'">


Here you go... To recap the simplest way is to cut and paste the HTML address Photo bucket give you into the body of your message. The example is for Photobucket but all image hosting sites are essentially the same." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

Peter Wolf

  I tried this last night and followed the instructions and it still didnt work.The instructions arent wrong.Its because i am a special needs case.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


How do I get an icon on the message board? (i.e. a picture beside every post)

Choose your icon
Icons are 32x32 pixel gifs.
There are many examples on the website already, just check the properties of the image you want to find its name.
If you can't find a suitable icon, you can create one and send the image to wake at
Animated gifs are permissable, but should be no larger than about 5k
If you can't create one, send a description of the type of icon you would like to the same email address.
Icons will usually be uploaded to the site the same day, but if it isn't please be patient.
Follow the link to the database chat room (on the main messageboard)
Type "/icon xxx" where xxx.gif is the filename for your icon.
Find a message on the message board you have previously posted to check. Icons are backdated, so you don't need to write a new message to test them.
Enjoy your new found expression!


thanks alot for y'ere help lads,....really preciate it....for the icon i'm gonna email it to wake and hopefully he'll be able to sort it for including a picture on my posts i'll have to sign up to one of those websites....or does any one know can you add a link to an alterative site, such as deviantart?

Richmond Clements

Right click on a pic, click on Properties, and cut and paste Address (URL) into the Image URL box below.