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Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 05

Started by nofuture, 13 November, 2007, 02:45:27 PM

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Recently bought the above case files - great stuff.

Just wanted to know was there a story/reason for the current lack of aliens, ape-oids species that we now don't see in the city/in stories and the same for mutants - were they moved out of the city in an arc?

To the best of my knowledge they seem to be banned to the cursed earth?

If so what progs/gns would be good catch-up material?

cheers, J

Dark Jimbo

Aliens and Apes are still very much a part of the city, but seem to be largely neglected by the current writers. It's only mutants that there's an all-out ban on.



There was an alien town wedding story a few years back, and Demarco still has that ape kicking about (I'm a bit behind with the simp, so if she in fact doesn't, then I totally don't need to know).


just saw/read Boo's Dredd strip - all is good in the world again (bump)


I saw an alien tourist couple in a story a few issues back. They were asking Dredd for directions and he shouted at them. "Do I look like a travel bureau to you?" (Not the exact words, I forget the correct term.)

So the idea of 'ask a policeman if you're lost' doesn't apply to judges then. ;)

As for the Apes, I remember seeing them in the first case files. Are they genetically engineered, or are they supposed to be a part of future evolution?


"So the idea of 'ask a policeman if you're lost' doesn't apply to judges then. ;) "

Maybe they would have got a better response had they been human.

I seem to remember a story where a man and a woman approach Dredd in the street and ask him to marry them, so presumably the Judges are at least theoretically meant to do loads of things other than fight crime.