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Garth Ennis Dredd

Started by Ignatzmonster, 20 November, 2007, 07:22:27 PM

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I think Ennis did some decent work on Dredd. Much better than the writers who followed him - Mark Millar, Sonny frigging Steelgrave etc.
With Wagner and Grant spending less time on dredd he was a decnt choice and the only other guy who produced good Dredd stories around that time was john Smith. IMO.


Hated Helter Skelter. It reads like a fan fiction story. DR & Quinch in Mega City One. Give me a break!

Monkey on my back was quite good though, helped by great artwork.


Since I have ordering alot of Slaine related comics and grpahic novel off ebay and in my desperation to get that which I have seen aor read yet. I had started buying foriegn ( German, French and Spanish .) Graphic novels.

One of which had arrived today. Slaine "Lord of Beasts' in german fromwhom to be a germn seller. I have to say tht I do not regret buying that thsi as I have flisked through this see I like the direction that the art has been taken in.

Incidently the german dialoge isn't such a problem for me as I found this online Translator called AltaVista BabelFish.

Most of time I have just been translating german comic book titles. Which uselally don't come out exactly as they are intended. But I can still work them out anyway. Now I will be translating the whole book and perhaps writing the english translation on tracing paper. Ligning it up just so.

Then I can read it properly.

I was only yesterday that I was writing a letter of what the hell happened to the book I haven't received yet. That same one that I recieved today. Finding the same message still left on the translator today. I translated the message back from German to English. The one that I wrote the day before.

Anyway, It turns that the message isn't quite the same. Some of the sentences are rearranged and some words are used instead of others.

A month is approximate, since I sent payment for the Slaine king of the animal graphics novel to you. I was surprised, what history on your side is. I trust that you away now sent the book and it not still with you are. Of course it could be the post office, which is very loose. It possibly sits in a camp somehwere in my landrecht at the lower surface of the pile. Anyway I begin to think that I never go to receiving this book. Respect Mike.

When my original message in English is..

It's been about a month since I sent you payment for the Slaine King OF Beasts graphic novel. I'm wondering whats the story on your side. I trust that you have now sent the book away and that it is not still with you. Of course, it could be the post office who known for being very slack. It's possible that it's sitting in a warehouse somewhere in my country right at the bottom of the pile. Anyway I am beginning to think I will never be receiving this book. Regards Mike.

Now I wonder about all the other e-mail I have translated to German, Spanish and French before this one.

Link:" target="_blank">one example of dirty online translators