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Started by pauljholden, 12 January, 2008, 09:44:52 PM

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It is a cracking cleavage.
It's the kind you want to put your face in and go blubalubalub!
I'm  hoping for an episode where there's an anomally down her top.


"I'm hoping for an episode where there's an anomally down her top."

I'd be the first Sauropod going through.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


I remember a scene with her just walking along the street with another character... and I have to agree.

Amazing bossom.

I'm not the kind to check out ladies plumpies all the time, but in her case, considering the clothes she wears, you can't help but notice it. At least if you're a guy.

I wondered if it was the same actress though from the previous show as she does look different somehow.  Again maybe that's makeup or her acting at work. I seem to remember he previous having a saucy twinkle in her eye this one doesn't seem to have... but I don't remember the bossoms so much with the previous for some reason...


So, anybody else spot the trainspotter's amazing revolving hat in last night's episode?

Queen Firey-Bou

 i try & watch primeval i really do, i tried to get nerdy about the fire service bollocks, but my cries of " inner cordon !" were smothered by apathy, i mean its a sad day when holby city is more realistic.

but if its aimed at 6 year olds & very tongue in cheek , like robin ( i shop at 'new look' ) hood, its all good & well, what i don't understand is how grown ups can go aperplectic about sillyness in torch wood & Dr who whilst calmly disregarding appauling shonky shonkness of primeval .


I think one problem with Primeval is perhaps the repetitiveness. Creature of the week  appears. They deal whilst trying to keep themselves secret. That's pretty much it.

That being said it's still a good watch.

I liked how they had a sabre-toothed cat this episode. The CGI didn't look particulary realistic (and I'm not an anti-cgi guy like many seem to be) but that's to be expected for a TV show lacking the budget of films.

Don't get me wrong, the desing was pretty cool and authentic as far as I've seen, and the fluidity of the cat's movements were good.  The colour and shading just didn't quite match the background though giving it a rather 3-D animation look (which is what it is of course, but it shouldn't really look like that).

There was one part where a lady glances at it next to her, but her eyeline isn't quite right. Probably not her fault though, the effects guys could have positioned it better.

Richmond Clements

I think there was one of them anolmalies in my TV when this was on- because for an hour, the TV spewed nothing but shite.

Leigh S

Well, Primeval does seems to be pretty ropey shonk wise - seemingly more this series, with them wandering into life or death situations with no backup.

Where it scores for me seems to be in more incidental incidental music than the syrupy sea that drowns new Who, and less convinced of its own genius - though if they start a "Primeval excavated" show where we are constantly told how great it all is, I'd probably cut it less slack.

Creature of the week does seem a danger though the intrigue around his wife and the organisation is supposed to combat that Id assume - I'm pretty agnostic about it at the mo.


--- "Primeval excavated" show where we are constantly told how great it all is, I'd probably cut it less slack. ---

Absolutely, it doesn't tout it's self as the best drama on telly or anything like that just jolly good fun. That makes the plot holes much less annoying.

Tiny Tips thought the Sabre Tooth episode was great - and again, I thought it had a decent enough twist (slightly telegraphed) and enjoyed it mostly.

This must be how New Who fans feel. Constantly being told your show is pish by anyone with a logical brain that follows the rules of drama but still enjoying it.  (Are you really enjoying it - or is it just because you feel you ought to?)

It's interesting that Bou picks up on "inner cordon" probably some fire fightery thing that I know nothing about to crit.  I'm sure the way they deal with these things is prtty mince.  

Having worked in Computers all my life, I have to suspend disbelief just about everytime one is used in a TV show or film. "I'll just reprogramme it so it can answer in french... hang on a second... done".  SWORDFISH wins hands down for most ridiculous use of computers in film.

And I've never been in a lift that had an escape hatch in the roof. Not ever.

Equally though, I know a bloke that thinks BATTLE OF BRITAIN is crap because they get the gun scopes on the ME 109s wrong at one point.  He's wrong - it doesn't matter that much.

Oh and I think the reason they don't go in with loads of back up or guns is on Cutter's insistence. Isn't he scared of a repeat of the incident that has changed the timeline and hence wants minimal impact.  At this point, the think he's slightly mad but still trust his judgement (though that looks to be changing as this series goes on as well).

Still, Lucy Brown.  
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Anyone else still watching this?

I thought last night's episode was really good.
Yeah, I know some of the effects are a bit shonky and the emotional scenes can be a bit cringe-worthy but overall I'm still really enjoying it.

The monsters in last night's episode reminded me of the Kraken from 'Clash of the Titans'.

The enemy agents subplot is still keeping me intrigued and the whole thing has an air of impending doom about it that I find quite appealing.

I don't know how well it's doing in the ratings but I hope it does well enough to warrant a third series.

Lobo Baggins

It's got a third series already, I think.

Last night's was good - I particularly liked the Garth Marenghi-style slow motion gun throw and pistol shooting.
The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.