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Walking Dead: The Best Defence

Started by Goaty, 04 February, 2008, 12:22:01 PM

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I just finished read the book 5, but please no spoilers of any far like book 6 to 8. cos i am get it once a month!

and one thing in this book, i half expect of that helicoptor crashed, hope it was same one in old dawn of the dead as would love the link!!! but sadly it not

but a brilliant book! as enjoy book 1 to 4 as well!

I do love this book 5 cover!!! shamed it not use any shield!!!! looks good!">


I have books 1 to 4 but for some reason my interest waned (well I discovered his other title, Invincible which are some of the best trades about partly due to the fact the every trade has a dozen pages given over to cover and character design rough sketches and even con art and also how the writer and artist along with other help get the look right most other trades stop doing that in book 2 but Invincible is up to book 8 and is still doing this). However I have been dipping in to it and t has got really good again. however i want to finish getting the Trades of Y- the last man (which should be real soon) and catch up with Fables as i am now 2 trades behind.

also i have to say for no reason at all I met Charle Adlard at Dredd con V and have to say he is as nice a chap as Matt Brooker and that is saying something. If you get a chance to buy stuff from him do so. oh and terrifyingly quick at drawing. i am thinking Steve Dillon quick.