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Prog 1590 - Welcome to the Jungle!

Started by Leigh S, 08 June, 2008, 09:49:21 PM

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What was the point of faking the Dear John letter?  Surely holding Isobel hostage was only useful if Kal knew about it?


... And what a return to form ...!

Dredd is just fantastic - the sort of story at which Wagner has come to excel in recent years. I could read Wagner-authored Justice Dept thrillers all year, frankly, and the addition of Edgar to the mix is the icing on the cake.

Defoe is more fun than anything Mills has come up with in years. As I said with Book I, any series that can be summarized as The Baroque Cycle meets Night of the Living Dead needs no more saying about it. I am having slight concerns about the introducing-the-cast device being used yet-a-fucking-gain but interregnum zombies will do me for now.

The Vort ... in the distressing absence of this board, I had to pop over to Mr Brooker`s blog and say the following: ... this is good stuff. I`m getting whiffs of Halo Jones Bk III and Rogue Trooper: Cinnabar and a general 2000AD classic in the making vibe.

(On the subject of which, D`israeli has yet more top stuff about digital illustration on his blog - see the link below.)

Sin/Dex washes over me in an entertaining but unchallenging way. I`m hoping for some big developments from this series, but over the years DAbnett has demonstrated a phenomenal ability to produce the illusion of change without ever actually changing anything.

On the other hand, Dante feels like it actually is moving into the end times. I`m always happy to see Simon Fraser on Dante, and I`m loving this Amerika story so far.

Seriously good stuff.



Link:" target="_blank">More Good Stuff from D`izzy

Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


I'm still waiting for mine, but after several issues coming early, I haven't got much need to complain.

Besides I tanked up on graphic novels form the library today. Funny how you get used to something after just a relatatively short period of time though isn't it? Can sort of understand why people use junkie metaphors (fix etc.)

Pete Wells

Yup, a brilliant issue, well done Tharg!

Cover - Hmmm, I didn't like this at first but It gets better and better every time I look at it!

Dredd - Class. Not yet an earth shattering scandal but I'm sure Wagner will pull the rug from under us yet again. I loved the mutie bits and how unpopular Dredd has become with the rest of the Justice dept. Really intriguing stuff. Great job by Patrick on art too.

Defoe - Much better this week, made me giggle a lot too. However, with the introduction of the 'team', it seems a bit ABC Warriors with zombies. Enjoyable never the less.

Vort - Crackers. Enjoyable stuff and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this story takes us.

Sin/Dex - I really enjoy this strip and found this weeks episode to be just the right side of nasty. I worry for Kal...

Dante - It kills me to say this, but I was really quite disappointed by Si's art this week. Those first three pages, which were wonderfully scripted and contained great character development felt really quite weak. Jenna's sex dolly like open-mouthed shock followed by Olympic style gurning particularly distracted me and Dante's paunch could have been erm... paunchier. The colouring and computer imagery did no favours either, I feel. Fortunately, the script was absolutely excellent. Great character development, a very clever premise and loads of emotion. Hats off to the Morrison Droid.

Cracking stuff Mr Tharg!


At least with Defoe, Mills didn't do his usual trick of using an entire 'book' to reintroduce the cast yet again. If he does that again with ABC Warriors, Tharg should just throw the script back at Mills, yelling "We don't do repeats!"

But, yeah, a good issue overall. I still don't remotely care about Sin/Dex, and I remain to be convinced about Defoe, but the other three are absolute crackers. Dredd is Wagner again at his absolute best, Vort is bonkers and has amazing art, and Dante is... Dante. Remembering that the last of those is finite, I'm going to be really sad when that story reaches its inevitable conclusion (which I suspect will be coming within the next few years).