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Should BBC's THREADS be shown on IPlayer?

Started by Hoagy, 03 August, 2008, 10:37:38 PM

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start a new thread, and if WWIII happens there is nothing we can do to stop it once the wheels start turning that's it. In fact it may already be in conception.

Peter Wolf

This isnt a political forum and i didnt start the thread.I go elsewhere for all that.I choose not to bury my head in the sand.

 "In fact it may already be in conception"
 How you manage to be so concise in your posts is quite something.

 I cant do that.I could write 50,000 words on that comment alone.Must resist ...Must resist....

 Anyway we will see what happens.Russia exercised restraint which is to be applauded really while the crybaby Georgian president goes crying to the west who back him and expects Nato to bail him out at the drop of a hat .instead they leave him flapping in the wind on his own.With Jerkoffs like that around its not surprising WW3 is being conceived.

 I dont think *anyone* wants WW3 ultimatly or at least not one that results in M.A.D as that will be missile after missile after missile just like in a film or in the pages of the prog.

 We have lived with that for 60 years now and it hasnt happened yet so i remain optimistic and not without good reason and because i am not a fatalist.


 Nothing is guaranteed and the future is not set.

 History and events go in cycles.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Quote from: "peterwolf"How you manage to be so concise in your posts is quite something.

 I cant do that.I could write 50,000 words on that comment alone.Must resist ...Must resist....

Think of what you want to say, then cut to the end. That's where the point usually is.

Peter Wolf

Final Comment:

 Its Stalemate for now for various reasons .Everyone in the West is exercising restraint and so is Russia.China stays out of it and gets on with it quietly as usual and doesnt get involved.The stakes are too high for all out war and the odds are evenly balanced between the West and Russia/China and they all know it.The last few days have given everyone a taste of what could happen.

 The US must respect the geography of russia and the former Soviet Union and stop planting Muppets like Saakashvili in former soviet union countries just to serve American interests.

 The US has plenty of oil of its own but the loony left in the US are blocking attempts to start drilling there again because of their "Green" politics.




 Its just the cold war all over again but for different reasons.Resources not the spreading of Ideaology .

 Russia hasnt forgiven the West for stitching it up twice since the "Fall of Communism" as they like to call it 20 years ago.

 Relax everyone.

 Stick world "Leaders" in a boxing ring like the FGTH Two Tribes video and solve disputes that way instead so that the everyone and everything can live  long and peaceful lives and die of old age and natural causes.

 It has been politics politics politics for the last few days and i need a break from it.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death