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Justice Department R&D

Started by Kerrin, 02 October, 2008, 11:35:09 PM

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Hows about a new thread where genii such as myself (ahem), can post the brilliant ideas we've had for new Justice Department equipment, feasible or daft, for the consideration of the official procurement board i.e anyone with an opinion (not many of those round here).

For instance, a shoulder eagle which can turn into predator drone type thing with missiles and possibly a bad attitude (working drawings to follow) or new and entertaining rounds for the lawgiver, armoured codpieces, the possibilities are endless.

Would this be the place to post or would the general section be a better locale? If there is already a thread along these lines then my 'umble apologies.


I don't know if there's a thread for future weaponary but this sounds like a great idea. Almost as good as my 'Futuresaurus' which has set the boards alight with it's brilliance !

No, this is a good idea for I often wondered if they ever re-imagined DREDD's uniform would it be more like a 'Stealth suit' say or like the armoured combat suits in 'Gears of war', 'Halo' etc . Advanced Stealth Tech would be ideal for Mega City 1's Justice Dept helping them monitor and control  the population despite all the flying camera's, cctv and other security devices.

 A stealth suit worn by a Judge on dangerous undercover missions even the Wally squads wouldn't consider might be a good start. Halo like invisibility, extra strength, speed and silenced micro weapons would make him/her the perfect enforcer-or assassin!
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Didn't they have one recently in the MEG? A female Judge who was on a covert operation without Dredd knowing...addled brain can't remember...


Dark Jimbo

Quote from: "IAMTHESYSTEM"Advanced Stealth Tech would be ideal for Mega City 1's Justice Dept helping them monitor and control  the population despite all the flying camera's, cctv and other security devices.

One of Rennie's Dredds had a prototype stealth H-wagon, but I doubt we'll ever see a great deal more of it.


They should add a new function to the Lawgiver that enlarges the barrels twofold, enabling it two fire twice the amount of bullets. They could call it "Double Whammy". That would be shit hot.


Yes I'm behind the times again but I still think Kerrin's original idea for Justice Department equipment is sound. 'Build it and they will come' Kerrin( hopefully not accompanied by Kevin Costner!)  :idea:
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

Roger Godpleton

Word is that development on the new Lawgiver function "Dinosaur" is almost complete.

Candidates for the next setting include:
"Cliched ice blast"
"HADOKEN" and it's more powerful setting "HA-DOOOO-KEN"
"Cessna". This is literally a plane shrunk down to capsule form which expands rapidly once fired from a gun.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!
