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Alright, I've seen it now. (Prog 1305 Spoilers)

Started by Trout, 22 August, 2002, 03:46:16 PM

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As with many other posters, I was extremely amused by Scojo's appearance in 2K, especially given it was brief and he got a nice clout about the head.

Nice one, Gordon!

However, I am a little concerned that he was seen declaring his kingship.

Now, don't get me wrong - his reasoning is sound. It's perfectly reasonable to declare yourself King on your own authority, even if it's someone like Scojo, who hasn't the dignity to carry it off.

But Gordon, you weren't thinking Scojo had actually declared himself King of this site? I can't help but wonder if we're back to your case of mistaken identity.

I don't want to flatter myself, but can you let me know if you took any inspiration for the character/strip from the board?

I would be most proud if my megalomaniac antics contributed in some way to the lunacy of the Big Meg!

- Trout


Must admit, I thought there was something of ol' Trouty in there myself, but didn't want to say it unless it offended His Majesty.

However it is possible that Gordon wrote the script for this before Mike got bitten by a royal fish.

Better set your phaser to stun.



What I find more amusing is the fact that Rebellion now own (in one way or another) the name 'Scojo'.

It's going to really annoy him that, techniacally speaking, he is now Jason's 'bitch'. :)



Better set your phaser to stun.


GordonR has posted on the site today but hasn't answered my question.

Gordon? Come one, pleeeease...

- Trout


To answer your question:

That story was written last year, so nothing in it has anything to do with anything that's happened on this board anytime recently.


Aaaaaw! I'm really disappointed now.

I wasn't suggesting you'd nicked anything, by the way. Hope you're not offended.

I will now return to hum-drum Royal life, having only ever been in the comic as a competition winner.

Still, I loved the story.

- Trout


I'm not at all offended.

Just bemused and amused that you were hoping your self-crowning monarch escapades had somehow made it into the comic ;->