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The real Visible Man

Started by Smiley, 27 August, 2002, 09:02:53 AM

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Ever wondered what Frank Hart (The Visible Man) might look really look like?

"The Visible Human Project? is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan. It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimeter intervals, the female at one-third of a millimeter intervals. The long-term goal of the Visible Human Project? is to produce a system of knowledge structures that will transparently link visual knowledge forms to symbolic knowledge formats such as the names of body parts."

Link:" target="_blank">The Visible Human Project">

almighty mat

 And I thought he was an ugly fucker in the strip!



Okay we are currently in retro season - Vcs, Rogue and Stront. All well and good. So let's go one step further...

Well after 25 years of Dredd, I feel we deserve, yes deserve to be given Dredd's history. Yeah, we've had this thread a few times before. But I'm so serious about this.

My request is as follows:

A three book saga chronicling the fall of the USA government and constitution, the atomic wars, the rise of the judges, and the introduction of Dredd. I suggest the title: Legacy.

Now I say three books because Slaine did it with the Horned God, so why not Dredd? I really think this could be one of the all time great 2k stories. Just imagine:

President Booth instigating war with the enemy, the devastation of nuclear war, the creation of the judges, rise of Fargo to power, the beginning of the clone programme, the birth of Dredd, and then his graduating onto the streets.

It's all classic stuff that needs to be told. Matt Smith should email John today or this week and suggest it to him.

Three book saga, a couple of artists, seeing print in 12 to 18 months time?

We all know about Dredd and his current world. But surely we are entitled to know about his past?

The DEFINITIVE history.

Please join synapse in this campaign.