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Civil War

Started by Paul faplad Finch, 11 October, 2009, 04:49:14 PM

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What I want to know is how come [spoiler]Thor spoke to the dead spirit of Steve Rogers[/spoiler] when now it's been revealed that [spoiler]Captain America didn't die[/spoiler].  Anyone know?



Never thought I'd be the one defending crossover event thingummies, but Dark Reign (Norman Osbourne becomes Homeland Security Czar and sets up his own 'official' versions of popular superhero teams using villains and other weirdoes - it's great) does follow naturally from Civil War and Invasion - one sets up government regulation/organisation of superheroes, the next highlights the failure of that system, Dark Reign puts a new man in charge of national security.  Best to think of it as an ongoing story rather than a series of events.

The appeal for me as a non-regular reader is that I get something quite well defined and short-term to read, instead of a long ongoing narrative that I'm totally lost in (e.g. X-Factor).  Instead I get Ares and Bullseye fighting the Fantastic Four for clearly defined reasons.  It suits me, because I'm only dropping in and out.  I doubt this is good for comics, but it is fun.  TBH I doubt there is much going on in Marvel comics that is good enough to be adversely affected by this kind of thing.  It's not like it's crossing over with Walking Dead, Scalped or Age of Bronze.

Also, current Spiderman is entirely accessible and quite fun, thanks to radical and rather terrible surgery.