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Anderson - R*Evolution

Started by Colin YNWA, 20 January, 2010, 04:45:52 PM

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Colin YNWA

Now again this might be me misreading the tea leaves but I kinda have the impression that people aren't that impressed by 'R*Evolution'. Now its safe to assume that people love the art 'cos quite franky its typically magnificent for Arthur Ranson. Christ on a bike that man is an incredible talent, but what do folk think of the story?

Personally I loved it. It combined many of the same themes that have been running in Anderson for a while, yet felt like much more of a romp as well. It was crammed with great ideas and the script played to artists strenghts like few others do, meaning at times the whole thing was breath-taking. Not just cos of the art in and of itself, but the way the writer used that to create stunning flights of fancy. The space pirates on bikes, Anderson entering the mind of the deformed villian, the apes swinging around and so many more besides. It fair zipped along too, with a wonderful pace. In less skillful hands this might have left it feeling a bit directionless and haphazard, but created by two skilled craftsmen it had the feel an old Saturday morning serial, or even a classic Doctor Who, unhampered by budget.

Ok so I'm kinda predisposed to enjoy stories that have so much gorilla action but I don't think that's it I think sad though I am that Anderson would seem to move exclusively to the Megazine now (damn I wish there was trades of this later stuff) after this the story left 2000ad on a real high.

Fantastical stuff

I, Cosh

To me it was very much a story of two halves. The setup is great and you're just looking forward to the intriguing thought of Cass exploring the hive mind and investigating that trap door (there's something down there) when it suddenly switches tack and you get five episodes of boring monkey crap instead.
We never really die.


I loved it and it features some of Arthur Ranson's best artwork on the series. Bit of a forgotten gem, as far as I'm concerned.
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