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Prog 1313

Started by John Caliber, 14 October, 2002, 06:06:04 PM

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Adrian Bamforth

Gotta disagree about Yeowell's art (though for some reason it won't allow me to reply to Col Marble's message). Yeowell's art is very functional these days but looks awful coloured by Blythe. I love Blythe's colouring and it workds great with Cam Kennedy for instance, but awful on Yeowell. Remember Red Fang? D'Israeli is slightly more suited but Yeowell has always looked best B&W for me.


2000AD Online

Did someone mention zombies?

W. R. Logan

>Dredd - loved it. Liked the art,

Just to prove you cant please all the people all the time, I though the artwork wasn't up to much.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

judda fett

Good prog- an improvement in light of recent times. I liked the artwork on Dredd, reserving judgement on Asylum (looks nice), great to see SB Davies back and the stand out for me was Steve Yeowells art on what looks to be a potentially great series- Sea zombies are rough!


Still waiting for 1313. Subsciptions dept and/or post office seem to be a bit slow these last couple of progs. Any other overseas subscribers experiencing a similar slowdown with delivery?

Also, just how old would Judge Prager be now? He must be ancient (in his 60s' or 70s'). Not having prog 1313 yet, I haven't seen how Critchlow has drawn him. We last saw Prager 19 years ago. Presumably he must have been in his 50s' or 60s' when he took his long walk to the undercity. Although the way Dillon drew him in COTW he didn't look too old. Being stuck down in the under city for the last 19 years there is no way he would have access to a rejuve job, so by all rights he should be looking fairly decrepit, hard bastard or not.


W. R. Logan

Prager took the Long Walk in 2101, (he'd been in the Undercity 4 years when he encountered Dredd)and in Cry Of The Werewolf didn't look that old. Even if he were a 20 year man he'd have been in his 40's in 2105 so would now be in his late 50's early 60's. Only guess work but it would put him in the same age bracket as Dredd.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.">


Going by Critchlow's depiction he doesn't look like he's far beyond his late fifties.  But...


... since he seems to have become a werewolf or something similar, it's possible that he has some kind of regenerative ability that'd muck with his ageing.


Yay, finally received my prog 1313, probably about the time most people are getting their 1314 :(

Dredd - Great, loved Critchlow's art. Can't wait to see how this story develops.

Asylum - OK, but gonna have to see more before I pass judgement.

Red Tide - I'm normally  not a Steve Yeowell fan as his lack of detail usally turns me off (for sci fi stories anyway), but it seems strangely suited to this pirate tale.

SinDex - 3 words: messy death, quickly!


almighty mat

++SinDex - 3 words: messy death, quickly!++

Noooo, it's been pants for ages, but simon davies is back! Talk about your last second reprieve!



Sorry, SinDex is beyond reprieve. Time to send a good cop in a bad world in a woman's body to sort them out.



Now you mention it, that does sound like the kind of thing that'd pop up in SinDex...