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John Wagner's Star Wars stuff

Started by Colin YNWA, 18 July, 2010, 10:22:09 AM

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Colin YNWA

Well my quest for 2000ad creators work from other sources plods on. I've not been that impressed with the bits of Star Wars I've read from Dark Horse but I've noticed that John Wagner's stuff os now all packaged in a couple of those good value Omnibuses they do. So the question is is it any good?

Anybody read his Boda Fett and 'Shadow of the Empire' stuff and care to share?


some of the boba fett stuff was ok if i remember cant comment on the "shadows "stuff but i imagine its just adapted from the book/game/toys/tea towel...

who did dark empire? was that a wag effort? cant remember.


He did a cool Aliens mini-series for Dark Horse...Berserker, I believe it was.


I love it particularly "Boba fett- When Fat lady Swings" and "Murder most foul" you can't help thinking John doubleya  is gently sending up the often all too pompous SW universe somewhat.He writes the best Fett. Cam Kennedy is his acomplice on art. "Shadows" seemed a bit off to me compared to the original brilliant book but that collection has other  stories, one  with Carlos Ezquerra (who he? :)) on art duties which more than compensates.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: mogzilla on 18 July, 2010, 10:26:02 AM
who did dark empire? was that a wag effort? cant remember.

I'm pretty certain that was Rick Veitch and while it gets good write ups and has Cam Kennedy art I wasn't that impressed.


Got Murder Most Foul, which like Zarjazzer says is quite good and a bit irreverant. The best thing about it for me is Cam Kennedy's effortless artwork - he draws a fantastic Boba.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 18 July, 2010, 11:03:23 AM
Quote from: mogzilla on 18 July, 2010, 10:26:02 AM
who did dark empire? was that a wag effort? cant remember.

I'm pretty certain that was Rick Veitch and while it gets good write ups and has Cam Kennedy art I wasn't that impressed.

It was Rick's brother Tom, a great ideas man but not so hot on logic or dialogue (perfect for SW, in other words).  The first one was great, mainly due to awesome Kennedy images, but it rapidly degenerates over two further series to one of the worst final pages in comics history - and drawn (barely scribbled, actually) by Baikie, no less!  The initial series had added cachet because it was almost the first 'original' SW comic in more than a decade.

Steven Sterlacchini

The John Wagner Boba Fett stuff with Cam Kennedy is very good.

They're just simply bounty hunter stories nothing too epic, which I think works better. Both Kennedy and Wagner delivery their usual excellence.

Jared Katooie

Wagner Boba Fett is excellent. "Bounty on Bar-Kooda" comes highly recommended.


There is also the Fett story "Enemy of the Empire" which he did with Ian Gibson. Definitely more like Wagner than Star Wars which is a good thing for Star Wars.

Jared Katooie

It also settles the highly important question of [spoiler]"who would win in a fight between Darth Vader and Boba Fett?"[/spoiler]

I liked Enemy of the Empire, but the back up story (in the GN) was even better. Great art by Ezquerra.