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Can You Spot...

Started by flintlockjaw, 02 August, 2010, 04:15:39 AM

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The Legendary Shark

Quote from: Bolt-01 on 02 August, 2010, 02:05:41 PM
I know it could be called poor taste- but how many would have known it was Glitter if it hadn't been pointed out by the artist?

I will never get his face out of my head. Or was it his head out of my face? The experience has left me confused...

It's a great image though, Flint - any chance I could get a copy when it's done, for my desktop?


My Dear Shark- if all goes to plan then you will be able to get a copy of that very image in the next Dogbreath.


I should have the whole thing finished before the 31st (Deadline!).

I stuck Glitter in there because originally i had planned on having scumbag celebs ...then changed my mind a bit when The Whittle wanted Ernie Hudson. So, that plan was shot.

Glitter was probably in bad taste...if Ye Ed wants him gone...I'll take him out.


Decided to go for an 'Ezquerra' look for Me and Rich's attempt at Strontium Dog. Quite pleased actually...Hope the rest of my crap turns out as decent!!!!


One day there will be an option in Photoshop: Edit >> Stroke >> Ezquerra "fish tooth"

Quote from: flintlockjaw on 02 August, 2010, 04:15:39 AMCan you spot...

A woman with 3 breasts

Is the galaxy being overrun by triple-canned chicks? Does this mean there is a demand for 3-cupped boob holsters?

This raises more questions than it answers, but opens the door to "Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Boobed" (title is a work in progress, but somewhere in a Californian coffin Russ Meyer has just sat up, then knocked himself out on the lid. Although given that his autobiography, A Clean Breast, was published in three volumes...).
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Dash Decent

I thought it was Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon VI.

Then again, the bloke above E.T. looks like Sid James with an earring to me.
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"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.