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alien encounter

Started by stront692, 01 December, 2003, 11:56:28 PM

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hi there,
this came up in a chat session with pyroxian last night

they started about the same time as AVP on jaguar was released and i think the game was launched but cant remember now

u dressed up as a marine in an aliens type environment

anyone remember it???

BT at Work

*psst* it's me

I seem to remember this Stront, but can't really be sure that it's not just a delusion...
BTW, as I'm working lates this week, you catch me under this nick till 8pm each night..

Cheers dude, Boomshanka


its a bit like paintball laserquest by the way, that wasnt clear from my post

i been trying to post somehting but it got lost in the twiglet zone


As I remember correctily (I never went :( )it was in the Trocadero in London (but may have moved up to either Glasgow/Edinburgh later on). From what I heard it was an Aliens themed 'Haunted House' - you got 'evacuated' by a couple of marines through a colony that had been infested with Aliens. Cue much atmostpheric lighting and running through smoke machines with the marines shooting at the Aliens chasing you.

One of the chaps who ran it was pictured in the Colonial Marines Handbook wearing various bits of kit - I met him once when he had one of the Alien Costumes on, was quite impressive :) I think Rebellion borrowed some of the props as well for doing mug-shots of some of the Rebellion staff dressed up as Marines for use with the AVP Jaguar game (I remember one of our artists when I worked for Grolier mentioning that he was one of the marines in AVP)



Aha - here's a review from Wired in 1994...

Link:" target="_blank">Wired Review

The Enigmatic Dr X

I went in both London and Glasgow. It was really quite good.

There was a party of maybe 10 mebers of the public. The idea was that you were on a tour of a Waylan-Whatever institution, set about 10 years after Alien 3.

By this time, the aliens are used by science to produce all sorts of exciting metals and plastics and foods and stuff. The tour is showing the punters where this gear comes from.

It's fairly dull for the first few minutes - a bit like what I imagine a real tour would be like. There's a nicey-nice scientist who explains that the aliens are hosted in cows/ cloned humans without a nervous system to avoid feeling pain (differed between Glasgow and London). This takes place in a room with a mock up of an alien and a stuffed cow/ mannqeuin.

Then there's a big bang, dry ice and sirens. Marines appear, screaming that "they got out" and for the next ten minutes you are hereded through a maze of corridors being chased by men in alien suits.

It's very well done because there are a couple of ringers. The aliens seem to be grabbing people at random and... you never see them again

Marines die in a spurtage of red and yellow ink (blood and acid), very tasteful it is too.

The end is in a lift (to the surface). You cram into this with the last six or so punters. It goes up about three inches, then falls. The lights go out.

You are alone, in the dark.

(I remeber Mrs X taking my hand at this point. The last two Marines looked at each other:

"They cut the cable!"
"How could they? They're animals!"

It was not nice).

The lift door opens, and an alien grabs the last ringer. (EEK!) The marines then force it shut and begin to "cut" the back of the lift to create another exit...

Meanwhile, the aliens are banging on the entrance.

The marines cut the back of the lift just as the aliens are coming in the front.

"GO! GO! GO!" they yell. "We'll hold them off!"

All the punters rush out, screaming like big babies, down a short corridor. There's another door...

ANd you all rush out, yelling blue murder, into the middle of Trocedero/ Arches in Glasgow.

And, yes, I did feel a bit of a tit (and not Mrs X!)
Lock up your spoons!

Slippery PD

I had a freind who was a marine, in the Trocedero.  It was a good idea and was quite enjoyable.  Its as DR X describes

Yer SLips


"Its as DR X describes"

Uncannily so! It was in Bournemouth for a few months (who'd have thought anything terrifying could happen there, huh?) and I distinctly remember the transition from 'what's so scary about this?' to 'JEEZUS KRIST! LETMEOUT-LETMEOUT-LETMEOUT!' taking about half a second.

Very nicely done.



My Brother worked as Head techie in 'The Arches' in Glasgow for a number of years , so when this came i went along and it wiz really enjoyable, no Q'ing for me!
The (female) Marine sgt who showed us round was stunning.
By the time we got to the lift scene,I had three wee weegie wimmin hiding behind me!
The funny bit was, because I look ilke my brother, all the actors done double takes and nodded assuming I was doing some techie walkthro stuff and acted accordingly  with asides about exit signs, doors jammimg etc for the first five minutes :)

DDT did a job on me


I remember this at the Arches and at The Trocadero.

One of them also had a special guest appearance by a PREDATOR as well.

My favourite memory is of being at the Arches though. Foolishly, I was escorting my sister's kids through the maze and we end up in the bit where we are all alone in a room with the lights out.

The lights flash back on and in the middle of the room is an alien. Everybody screams. None louder than my six year old niece Becky.  Everyone (including me) runs to the exit except Becky who just stands in front of the alien screaming.  The alien is quite perplexed - normally people run away - and doesn't quite know what to do.

Eventually, I pluck up the courage (doh!) and run over, pick up Becky and tuck her under my arm and have to carry her like that for the remaining ten minutes of the tour. And she screams all the way. Marvellous.

Can I just add that, even though she's now 21, if the aliens were real, I'd still rush back in to save her.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


I also enjoyed Alien War at the Arches. I still wear the very worn-out t-shirt.

I went with a mate who was very macho, then absolutely shat himself.

I was pretty scared too, but decking myself with laughter at his reaction.

It was splendid.

- Trout


bottom - i missed it all :-(

oh well - i stick with vampire in laserquest then

heh heh


never mind - ive played AVP to death (they used the same costumes and stuff)

that'll do

Steve Green

Going all time-team and reviving this thread...

I remember going to the Trocadero one in London and Bournemouth around 1994 - I was having a discussion with someone, and I would love to see a Dredd themed version of this.

Have people touring a facility containing the Dark Judges, all goes tits up, and have the Dark Judges in the alien role.

Stick a few stooges in their to be 'judged guilty' and Ump's your uncle.

Would be great to see that done well.