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The Hangover: Part Two - Teaser

Started by Goaty, 25 February, 2011, 12:17:37 PM

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Professor Bear

Thank you but no - I found the original so painfully unfunny that halfway through I went out and got beer, meaning it joins Just Married as the only two films so terrible I walked out on them while they were playing in my own house.  I would have walked out on Hangover if it was playing on a plane.

Richmond Clements

Quote from: Professah Byah on 25 February, 2011, 02:22:29 PM
Thank you but no - I found the original so painfully unfunny that halfway through I went out and got beer, meaning it joins Just Married as the only two films so terrible I walked out on them while they were playing in my own house.  I would have walked out on Hangover if it was playing on a plane.

Indeed, I was genuinely unsure as the whether it was supposed to be a comedy or not. And then when they had the scene with the rapist, I knew it wasn't a comedy.

Mike Carroll

We watched the first Hangover in a friend's house, on Blu-Ray in lovely Hi-Def on his massive, massive TV screen... It was awful. Our friend chuckled a bit, but Leonia and I didn't laugh once. I honestly would not have believed it was a comedy if I hadn't already known it was supposed to be.

There's a thread on the IMDb page for The Hangover in which people say how old they are and whether they liked it. Most people either hated it or loved it: there's very little middle-ground. And, strangely, the age of the viewers doesn't seem to be a factor.

Leonia says: "It might have been funnier if the tiger had eaten somebody, but that would have been animal cruelty."

-- Mike

Colin Zeal

Nice to know I'm not alone in not thinking it was much cop. Mysoginistic in places, dodgy racial stereotyping and not very good. Why it was so raved about is beyond me.

Keef Monkey

I didn't like it or dislike it, it was just something that sort of happened while I was sat in front of it.

Richmond Clements

Quote from: Keef Monkey on 25 February, 2011, 04:23:36 PM
I didn't like it or dislike it, it was just something that sort of happened while I was sat in front of it.

Which is, I think, worse!

Professor Bear

Quote from: Richmond Clements on 25 February, 2011, 02:39:27 PM
And then when they had the scene with the rapist, I knew it wasn't a comedy.

I didn't make it that far, but I did hear Mike Tyson was in it.  Apparently while the crew of the first movie had no problem with Tyson - a convicted rapist - playing himself as a lovable lunk, they nixed Mel Gibson playing a seedy, racist tattooist in the sequel.  So, not a double standard or anything, and certainly not any kind of indication that misogyny is ingrained through the Hangover like Danish through bacon.

My hatred of this franchise is now bordering on the irrational.


Quote from: Professah Byah on 25 February, 2011, 05:04:45 PM
My hatred of this franchise is now bordering on the irrational.

The moment I realised this film was utterly irredeemable was when they had a classroom of children fire tasers at the groins and heads of the unlikable protagonists, and it still wasn't funny.  That's quite an achievement.  Imagine what Harry Hill could have done with that scene, I'd probably have been wetting myself by the end.


I'll usually watch any of the current crop of US bromance comedies and thoroughly enjoyed the likes of Knocked Up, I Love You Man, and even Role Models, but The Hangover did leave me a little cold. I wasn't offended by it, but it was nowhere near as funny as I was expecting, given the hype. I do like Zach Galifianakis, though - he provided the only laughs in the film for me.