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Mechanismo question

Started by willthemightyW, 25 February, 2011, 05:07:00 PM

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This has been asked a million times, but, does the book mechanismo (the most recently published version) contain everything to do with the mechanismo stories other than wilderlands? If so where can I get wilderlands? Are there any plans to reprint wilderlands?
Many thanks, will.
They say you need to spend money to make money, well I've never made any money so by that logic I've never spent any.


The trade is the three Meg stories, not any of the bits in 2000 AD (Conspiracy of Silence, etc.) nor Wilderlands. Those will show up some point soonish in the Case Files.


The latest edition of Mechanismo - The Rebellion one that came out in 2009 - includes all three Mechanismo stories: Mechansmo, Mechanismo Returns and Mechanismo: Body Count (The old Hamlyn/ Mandarin edition didn't include Body Count).

Wilderlands is available as a Hamlyn graphic novel, but it's many years out of print, so if you want it, you'll have to get it second hand.

My guess would be that Rebellion won't reprint Wilderlands in it's own volume because it will be showing up in the Case Files before too long - in fact if you're collecting the Case Files I'd suggest just waiting - the first Mechanismo story will be in the next volume, 18, which is out August/September time.

EDIT: As IP says, 'Wilderlands' was a larger story arc that encompasses multiple stories that appeared in both 2000ad and the Megazine, including Tenth Planet, Conspiracy of Silence, The Candidates and others, as well as the main Wilderlands strip - which was serialised in both 2000ad and the Meg, much like Judgement Day.


They say you need to spend money to make money, well I've never made any money so by that logic I've never spent any.


It is a bit confusing as different editions contain different stories (same as America I suppose), see here for more details:

Can we assume there will be a future Rebellion Wilderlands collection which includes "Farewell to the Chief"?
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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