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Nice view of Discovery and the ISS tonight.

Started by TordelBack, 02 March, 2011, 06:29:25 PM

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Should be a good view of the Space Station and the docked Shuttle Discovery tonight from Ireland and southern Britain - after 18.45, look west and you should see them zooming over, almost directly overhead.   Extra plus is that there's a spacewalk ongoing at the mo (not that you'll see that).  Brighest thing in the sky, moving fast (17K mph).  Say your goodbyes to Discovery. 


Nice one, spotted it on the way home this eve.



Generations of boy scouts were taught to navigate by the brightest star in the sky - the North Star. Nowadays the brightest 'star' 90% of the time is the ISS!


You imply that todays youth actually know how to look up.


I really enjoyed blowing my young nephew's mind once by pointing to what looked like a bright star and explaining it was actually a space station with real astronauts in that he could see every night.


We had great fun with this the other night - I put the live NASA feed on the laptop for the Boy, which showed a spacewalking astronaut taking pictures of the Atlantic fringe as it went into darkness, while we watched the ISS go over as night fell.  Us looking up at him, while he looked down at us.  Magic.