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Life's little suprises

Started by spireite68, 30 July, 2011, 08:55:32 AM

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I have known this guy Liam for about 7 years and only yesterday i discovered that he is a massive Dredd fan!!! He has never mentioned it but then he was equally suprised to discover i was too.
You creeps must think I sailed through space on a synthi-biscuit!


And so the cabal spreads...excellent.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


The other day my new housemate said "oh you might like this" and pulled out like, a million vintage 2000ads. "I used to read these when I was a kid"

Yeah, yeah I'll have them. Sweet.


ahh, world dominance cant be far away now.  :)

The Legendary Shark

I opened the letter box this morning to find a mysterious parcel which contained a copy of The Green Hornet I won off Tharg. Haven't seen the film before, so I'm looking forward to that.

Thanks, Tharg, you're a diamond emerald!