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Meg 313 Voices in the fire

Started by Proudhuff, 16 July, 2011, 11:31:58 AM

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Soopa Meg! Mercy Heights a real bonus for me having missed most of the story. Haven't read it all yet but Boo Cooks cover is a work of genius! Samizdat Squads art just seems to get better every time I view it. Especially the exploding palace of badness or whatever it was.

Dredd was a bit odd  but still an interesting set up.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.

I, Cosh

Yeah, Mercy Heights was surprisingly enjoyable. It remains to be seen if this will be sustained over the next two Megs, but having expectations to be dashed is preferable to waiting for the next chunk of rotten Flesh to drop onto the mat.

Numbercruncher has lost me somewhere along the way, but I'm looking forward to giving it another go when it all wraps up. One thing I'm fairly certain of, those random things he's doing? They're neither random nor evidence of insanity.

Samizdat Squad is much improved from the first story, but I was also shaking my head in disbelief at that typo.

Best of all was the news of the new series of Koburn next month.
We never really die.


Rest assured I was properly appalled when someone pointed that typo out and expect at least a minor mangling by Mek-Quake as a result.


I thought it was a pun as they blown it UP   :D
DDT did a job on me


I'd like to read Mercy Heights, but Alan Craddock's colours are physically repelling me.


I remember back in the day the artist change was extremely jarring to me, to the point where i stopped reading it. Possibly i was being a little unfair.


As unfair as myself Art. I think it's because I liked it too much and suddenly felt betrayed by it. This by the way, doesn't happen any more. What's doing my head in is that I'm just getting into it and; to be continued pops up! AAAAARGH! Really enjoying it. Was Tomlinson talking about how romance didn't work in 2000ad? Was MH, the volume he used as an example? I think the character frictions work really well. I'm enjoying the comedy touches in the latter parts of the story too.

And Matt! That planet work is excellent! And check out his instrumental panels and screens. No, I can't agree, the colouring is as much a character within the story as everything else.
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.

Steve Green

Nah, I can't get on with the colouring either - I didn't much like his work on the Pit either I'm afraid.

Robert Frazer

I've been catching up on my reading recently and I came across something that might be interesting for people who like Numbercruncher - Rudyard Kipling's short story "On the Gate: A Tale of '16". It's more light-hearted and optimisitic than Ewing's Thrill, but it has a similar basis in the afterlife being a pervasive bureaucarcy with the angels as bored civil servants, so it should be enjoyable for squaxx who want more in the same vein.
Latest Video - The ESSENTIAL Judge Dredd


The four strips in the Meg are really bloody good and importantly varied - SS & Anderson are light and straight forward thrills, Number is next level stuff and frankly that Dredd was brilliant - the first part had underwhelmed me but the turn around with the special ops and that unflinching 'supplies clerk' behind it all. Fabulous.

I did think the 'they aren't even...' dialogue was a bit confusing - were we meant to take it she is about to say 'they have human rights and they aren't even human'? In which case that tabloid easy logic hardly fits with a character who has gone so far for ideals and principles. It also struck me that it read a bit cumbersomely whereas if it was a script for actors then the 'dredd' would have made clearer the subtext by the tone of his contribution. Mind you thats a very minor quibble - it really was a fantastically good Dredd by Mr Ewing and certainly should be read by all. Already looking forward to the return of Judge Bachmann (that is if she isn't busy running for the Republican ticket)

Again the Meg is a winner - why it gets so few reviews is a mystery.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd


Quote from: BPP on 07 August, 2011, 02:44:12 AM
Again the Meg is a winner - why it gets so few reviews is a mystery.

I think you may have answered your own question, when the Meg is good it seems to have a short thread, but if it wobbles a bit the vultures gather...
DDT did a job on me


I save my reviews for the letters page. And for this hard work I got a 'Red Razors' book. Happy with this. Honestly!


Quote from: Buttonman on 16 August, 2011, 05:47:39 PM

I save my reviews for the letters page. And for this hard work I got a 'Red Razors' book. Happy with this. Honestly!

haha! they were giving that away at HiEx!!!
DDT did a job on me


Catchin' up on my Megs...

V enjoyable Meg this. Agree with the End Of Dredd comments though.

I'm also gathering I should actually read the floppy!
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.