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Strip Magazine - New UK High Street Title

Started by Jim_Campbell, 02 July, 2010, 12:34:08 PM

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Colin YNWA

Quote from: The Prodigal on 21 October, 2013, 09:47:02 AM
There was some really good stuff in Strip. I would love to see Recovery INC re-surface and Crucible by John Freeman and Smuzz was great material too.

Well funny you should mention that, well Crucible at least.

As if we needed more evidence of Strips demise!


Necro post aside, tried to send Jim a PM concerning this so as to avoid reviving the thread, but anyway did any of the staff get any closure on this title? I assume by tis point it's completely dead in the water (alas).

Richmond Clements

I'll field that: haven't heard anything for probably a year or so, so yeah I reckon.

Batman's Superior Cousin

From the Blog:

Friday, 27 September 2013
Subscription Copies and STRIP Magazine Issue 3: A Statement
I can't help but feel that Godpleton's avatar/icon gets more appropriate everyday... - TordelBack
Texts from Last Night

Jimmy Baker's Assistant

Strip was a great idea, and I heard it was a decent comic (if you could find a copy).

The way subscribers were treated was highly dubious. It was obvious the publication was in financial trouble for practically its whole existence. People were very patient and understanding about this. However, it looked like issues were coming out but that subscribers weren't getting sent them, which was not really on, whatever the circumstances.

God only knows what the idea behind the re-launch actually was. It's not as if production of volume 1 had gone well, so ramping the thing up by taking it into newsagents seemed crazily optimistic at best.

Luckily, UK comics has moved on, and we've got several somewhat more viable alternatives to 2000AD these days (Aces Weekly, the Titan range, Dept of Monsterology, etc., etc.) so the demise of Strip hasn't been too damaging to the wider industry, such as it is.


Quote from: Hawkmonger on 20 June, 2014, 06:49:29 PM
Necro post aside, tried to send Jim a PM concerning this so as to avoid reviving the thread, but anyway did any of the staff get any closure on this title? I assume by tis point it's completely dead in the water (alas).

Sorry. Didn't see that — like Richmond, I'm also assuming so. It was a great idea, and a decent comic, appallingly executed on the admin/distribution side so that it determinedly and single-mindedly pissed away the enormous goodwill that existed on both the audience side and the creative/editorial side of the venture.

Sad, and deeply frustrating.


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


I was just sorting through some back issues it just occurred to me it'll soon be a year since the last issue of Strip. I think we can conclusively say it's not coming back at this point.

You can't help but feel cheated on behalf of everyone who obviously put their all into keeping this thing afloat, but saw all their efforts go to naught due to incompetence/indifference. I hope some of the unpublished material(assuming there is any) will see the light of day at some point.

That whole fuck-up with republishing a Moebius strip that led to the entire run of the Christmas issue being pulped...I mean, for goodness' sake. The rights issues regarding translated Moebius material have been a minefield since his death. Print Media should've been aware of this, but they went ahead and printed it anyway, presumably incurring massive losses as a result. It seems like they managed to stumble into just every pitfall that was going.

Remember this mysterious(now deleted) message posted on the Forbidden Planet site, just after it was first announced? Seems like whoever posted this was right on the button, unfortunately.

QuoteThis Bosnian publisher? It's a scam.
What Ivo Milicevic seems to do (although this is also questionable because he does not communicate with any publishers from Bosnia, or Croatia and Serbia, markets that are closest to us; or the comic book people in general) is obtain the rights for a title (most famously, Modesty Blaise, which has seen at least a dozen different incarnations in his magazines in the past 20 years) and then promise that he will publish something and expect it to hit off from number one. So that, when it doesn't, he just gives up until he gets more financing so he can cover the losses he incurred on himself for the first magazine.
At least, that's been the practice so far. I really, really hope that this time it's different, especially since it's obvious that some serious British names and authors are involved, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, at least not until you see an issue number 5 or so in a bookstore near you.