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Did anyone buy or like the baby Dredd title?

Started by Thread Zero, 31 December, 2001, 09:29:21 PM

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Thread Zero

I got all 23 issues of that!

"Lawman of the future."

It was aimed at youngsters I know but I thought it kind of worked and didn't at the same time. If you see what I mean.

No I don't know what I'm talking about either!


O Lucky Stevie!

funny you should mention it, scojo, as yesterday evening i dug out my own copies of lawman of the future for oh, what must be the first tme since the title was cancelled.

your summation is spot on; a compelling take on the origins of judge death by robbie morrison, but i'm not too sure how i feel about him having wings...

on the whole the stories were wonderfully drawn for the most part (the superb kevin cullen, alex ronald, jim murray, charles gillespie, sean longcroft growing before our eyes in leaps & bounds with his pop art take on mike mcmahon's cubism; where are these people now?).

if anything too many of the stories themselves suffered in my "been reading 2000ad since before britney was a knowing twinkle in the carlos ezquerra's eye" perpective from being revisons of classic dredd stories (eg the robot war, sunday night fever, the hotdog run); albeit these are intergral aspects of dredd's world which needed to be told, & thrilling told they were. so therein lies the rub.

all & all an exciting bringing up to speed for the sprogs to enjoy, & a pox on them them if they didn''t.

steven l'enfant terrible
"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"

Thread Zero

But it never really found an audience.

I guess die hard dredders thought it too tame. And I think Dredd is better suited as a shoot to kill lawman than a shoot to stun lawman!


O Lucky Stevie!

& then there was the fact that all the other judges were laughing behind his back & referring to cadet marrs as his "ward" (what with joe wearing that codpiece & all...)

steven l'enfant terrible
"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"

O Lucky Stevie!

>And I think Dredd is better suited as a shoot to kill lawman than a shoot to stun lawman!

watch out, scojo; you're starting to sound like mark millar there!

steven l'enfant terrible
"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"

Thread Zero

Dominic O'Rourke

only for the free skin transfers with the judge barcode, I looked so cool until I had a bath!
Member No. 10