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Started by Mudcrab, 04 January, 2002, 05:24:38 PM

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Anyone used the 2000ad binders? If so, care to give a review? No staff please! ;-)

Thread Zero

Sure, they are great for storing book club books in them!



Not sure if I'm allowed to answer this, but I will anyway.

I've got all my post 1200 progs in binders..25 in each one. They have a small white plastic clip at the top and bottom which is better than metal cos it doesn't rust.

The main problem is that the first and last progs in the binder develop a small amount of spine roll. The reduce this I've added empty clips at the front and back...though it might not happen if I didn't put as many comics in it.

The upside is of course that it's far easier to refer back to the opposed to all my others which are in boxes of 40 (one bag per box).




Wake, do the pre-1200 format fit in these binders as well?
If not, do you or anyone else know where I could get similar binders that would store progs that size in the same way?

Don't fancy the cost of buying them up for the whole collection, mind...


Incidentally, since I started collecting and re-reading them all I've developed an incredibly nasty eczema-style skin rash on my hands and arms. It appeared in the summer and I have narrowed down the cause to either the print/paper of my 2Kad collection (with which I spend most evenings), or my recently-born son (with whom I spend whatever time is left).

Anyone else have an allergic reaction to TGGC?

Can I sue Rebellion?


Pre prog 1200 will fit the current binders since the spine height is the same...the binders have a lot of room for extra width. The newsprint editions will not fit because the height is too short.

Judge Dredd Megazines may well fit too (not Vol 4 of course)



Far too expensive to be honest.  I had one from years ago i got for a letter and with the metal clips , well they rust if slightly damp and leave brown marks on your progs.  Also couldn't get them out again.

If there were cheap, half decent, binders for all the various formats I would love to get some as it would mean i would be more likely to grab some stuff off the shelf and have a read.  If you've bagged and boxed them you may as well bury them six feet down as they just get forgotten in a cupboard.

Thread Zero

When I read it, I get an thrillgasm.




Yeah, I realise that makes me look like a cheapskate :)


Mrs Mole asks whether that's why you keep them in protective bags by the side of your bed.

Thread Zero


10 for ?50 isn't that bad, I always though they were a lot more expensive.  Would they take the old size.  If so i might invest in some.  

Yes me!  Cheap Paul!


I ask because I'm sick of not being able to read my old 2000AD's because they are in bags in a box in a wardrobe.

If the pre 520 ones fit okay, I might get some for my birthday.  I suspect they don't but I'd love to know.




I would have to answer no, since pre 520 progs have a shorter spine than post 520.

I keep my progs in large file boxes (from Staples) which hold 40 progs each, so the weight is not too great. I use one large poly bag per box.

At ?50 per 10 boxes, that's at least ?100 for 500 progs...though subscribers may be able to get a discount on this price in the online shop.



W. R. Logan

>I would have to answer no, since pre 520 progs have a shorter spine than post 520.
>I keep my progs in large file boxes (from Staples) which hold 40 progs each, so the weight is not too great. I use one large poly bag per box.
>At ?50 per 10 boxes, that's at least ?100 for 500 progs...though subscribers may be able to get a discount on this price in the online shop.

Get proper 2000AD comic boxes they?re about ?5 each and hold between 150 ? 200 Progs depending on if they are bagged and have backing boards in.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

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