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Raspberry Pi

Started by Ancient Otter, 02 December, 2013, 06:40:55 PM

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Ancient Otter

I threatened to start a thread about Raspberry Pi so here it is! Know a few board members had dabbled with home programming before, anyone chanced their arm on a Raspberry Pi yet?


Not yet but threatening to buy myself one for Christmas.


I have been hankering after one for a while, but it occurred to me that I already have so many skip-salvaged PCs and Macs (10 at the last count) in various states of cannibalism (eating each other's insides to survive) and badly-soldered repair that it might well become yet another, with only compactness and shininess to recommend it.  I still want one, obviously, but I've redirected my immediate urges in the direction of an Arduino platform instead, which at least would offer me something entirely new to tinker with.  Then once I have the web-linked weather station and auto-irrigator up and running I can think about a nice Pi to run it all on. Piece of cake.


I bought mine around 6 months ago and it's currently employed as a media centre on the lounge TV.

I'm pondering a second one, I have an idea for a mini desktop MAME cabinet based around the Pi but I just don't have the time to bring it to fruition at the moment.