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British Library to stage exhibition on comics

Started by Colin Zeal, 23 January, 2014, 10:54:11 AM

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D'oh! I was in the wrong pub beforehand - The Euston Flyer, not the Euston Tap. I'll get you next time you crazy kids!

Anyway - really enjoyed the exhibition and panel, though we made a move for some grub straight after as we hadn't eaten all day, so didn't get anything signed/sketched  :'(

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


I was on the lookout for "a bald dude with a greying goatee beard" - which frankly could've been about 40% of the audience. I asked a couple of guys if they were Mikey, but they weren't!


Hah! Good point Dan. I should have added 'handsome' to my description.

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Third Estate Ned

I'm in the UK for a week to see the in-laws, so I thought I'd go along to this today on my 'afternoon off'. To be honest, I hadn't read the description of the exhibition, I just knew it was about British comics so I didn't know what to expect.

Highlights for me were the insights into the writing process, which I've often wondered about. Especially the different authors' scriptwriting methods and how they communicate to the artist. The two examples were Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman. There was a section about Aleister Crowley that I didn't expect and a piece of artwork by him, included for his influence on various writers. Also, I liked it for unknown nuggets of info: I never knew the Archie I had only seen before in Zenith was actually a recycled veteran character from a title called Lion.

I saw Rupert the Bear in a new light as well!

I could say more (e.g. more experimental and disturbing work by artists I know but used to seeing in more pedestrian contexts) but I don't want to spoil it if anyone has yet to go.

I enjoyed it but being a tightarse I thought it would have been a bit bigger for ten quid. That's not a genuine complaint, though; I would recommend it to anyone who has a passing interest in comics. I think I spent about an hour and a half in there, so it was worth it. You could spend more time in there, if you accessed the interactive components too.

Anything to support the British Library is worth it, in my opinion. There were some good souvenirs too. I got this: