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naked and afraid

Started by Grugz, 19 December, 2014, 10:14:12 PM

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only just found out about this series, a man and women are dumped in the wild naked (except for a blur and a strategically placed bag ) with nowt but one chosen item and must survive for 21 days (ed Stafford topped that with 60 days on his lonesome) but this shows some us outdoors survival "experts" machoing about and not using common sense . (my favourite being "puma" who nearly died drinking untreated water.)

me and the wife constantly point out blindingly obvious things that if even a couple of couch potatos can see why cant a marine corp vet?
don't get into an argument with an idiot,he'll drag you down to his level then win with experience!,26167.0.html


The bit I don't get about this series (which I quite enjoy) is why the blurs?  And I don't ask in any prurient way, it just mystifies me that you would go to the bother of building a show around exposing people to the elements and shooting weeks of footage of same and then blur out tiny bits of their fronts (but not their backs).  Just give them bikinis for grud's sake, or get on with it. 

As to the contestants, there's definitely huge variation in their skills and levels of basic cop.  I've seen some monumentally stupid people and some very sharp capable ones, and I suspect a great deal of CV-inflation goes on (no-one could seriously claim years of wilderness survival experience and be unable to start a fire from scratch in a dry environment after days of trying - my wife can do it with a bowdrill in less than an hour, and the closest she's come to the wild is sleeping in Naples airport). 

After watching one where they teetered around on a cliff poking at nests I'd love to know how the hell their insurance works.   


we shouted at the telly when the "hunter" couldn't find any food but two minutes previously had been staring at a large python. I agree with the naked thing though just give em some shorts or bikini
  I still enjoyed ed Stafford's version more and would like to watch his expedition to the amazon where her apparantley walked the length of the amazon!
don't get into an argument with an idiot,he'll drag you down to his level then win with experience!,26167.0.html


Quote from: Grugz
me and the wife constantly point out blindingly obvious things that if even a couple of couch potatos can see why cant a marine corp vet?

while I will admit I don't know much about doing this or and haven't seen even one full episode of this show.

I'm sure your comfortably sitting in your television room watching this while they are both nude and exposed to the elements,

Almost totally distracted by their predicament and each other.

What seems that what is obvious to you, may be hidden from them.

Just imagine the allergies from all the surrounding foliage. 

Quote from: Grugz on 20 December, 2014, 10:46:40 AM
we shouted at the telly when the "hunter" couldn't find any food but two minutes previously had been staring at a large python.

Do you mean eating the python.........not being snake expert or one that would seriously think about going near one myself.

I'm kind of wary of them myself and was dismissed from where I was last employed as Nursery labourer because I freaked out when I saw the tail end of not small green Snake disappearing in amongst a cluster of potted plants I had to shift somewhere else.  They told not to return via a phone call from the owner days later (I only work there twice a week for a few hours day.) just before Xmas holidays 2012. The young lady who worked there didn't seem so alarmed and informed me that those snakes are very harmless.

I also noticed that as the days were getting hotter and hotter...she was wearing even less clothing by the week and I wondered if go to the point of some of the workers being allowed to go au-natural might have made work a little more interesting for me if I even found her to be my ideal mate.

She seemed like such a tomboy, and probably wasn't even interested in guys.

Getting back on subject of snakes.....

I saw one a few months back in town...across the river while walking across the road toward a block of low-rise apartments.

It was snake of considerable size sitting on the corner of the street on a large patch of grass. It looked like it was sleeping or even dead, except for the fact that it was coiled up and just chilling out.

Besides, it was near the end of winter at that time.

So, I kept my distance, know that snakes can move their head towards you to bite very swiftly if they feel threatened.

I pointed this out to elderly man who was approaching me and he walked right up to it and almost taped it with his shoe.

Telling me it's -words to the effect- it was just as harmless as I said it was considering the urban surrounding it had been put in.

Like, I wasn't walking around in bushland, this was a street of flats, hotels and houses, near a main road filled with fast food,  bottle shops, pubs, and a major shopping mall.

I think somebody had lost their pet snake.

Yet, I wasn't going anywhere near the thing and would never consider them a source of food.

Not sure, it would feel the dame way if all I had was that python and my naked female companion out in the middle of no where.

In interpret that as you will.

Colin YNWA

So...err... this is a real thing then... I don't quite know what to say!


I would be afraid if I was the naked guy and I didn't find the naked girl attractive. There are reasons as well, but I will leave that to your imaginations.


Words cannot begin to describe how i'm feeling right now.

Richmond Clements

Quote from: Hawkmonger on 05 January, 2015, 09:31:07 AM
Words cannot begin to describe how i'm feeling right now.

Oh I think we can all guess.
