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Caballistics Inc.

Started by Andy B, 25 June, 2015, 12:39:05 AM

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Given the Cabs TPBs were in the GN sales for years I doubt they are seen as a big seller.

Which is sad because it would make my top ten of the last 15 years. The final arc was particularly good and that final teaser page held so much potential. I wouldn't even mind if the concept was radically altered or only one or two characters were maintained, just to have that creative team back on a story that totally suited their respective strengths.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: BPP on 26 June, 2015, 07:13:19 PM
I wouldn't even mind if the concept was radically altered or only one or two characters were maintained...

Isn't that exactly what happened...?

Zenith 666

More you mention this lack of a conclusion the more I'm not liking Gordon.Hes the kid in the park with the good football and he brings it out so everyone has the blinder of a game then takes it home and won't share anymore.I think I read somewhere that El Maldito is to be his last Dredd story he won't give me anymore Koburn and he won't finish Cabillistics inc which was regularly the best thing in the prog.I remember a few years ago he gave an interview saying he was giving up comics and that people he'd talk too who were reading Caballistics thought all these little stray plots and old myth references were all leading somewhere and Gordon was making it all up as he went along which for me makes him a bloody genius.


I would absolutely LOVE to see more Cabs! Just saying...
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.


Quote from: Zenith 666 on 26 June, 2015, 08:13:50 PM
More you mention this lack of a conclusion the more I'm not liking Gordon.Hes the kid in the park with the good football and he brings it out so everyone has the blinder of a game then takes it home and won't share anymore.

Nah, I think that's the wrong way to look at the business of working in comics.

GR came up with an idea, persuaded an editor to pay him for it and then worked it up into a fantastic fan-pleasing series.

He doesn't have any obligation to follow every plot thread to a conclusion, just enjoy the stories for what they were.

If Tharg wants to publish more Cabs, then it's up to him to persuade GR to write 'em, or get another writer to take over the story (assuming it's not creator-owned). If GR didn't want to write more cabs, then I don't really care, 'cos he's busy writing other stuff I like.

EDIT: That's not to say I don't want more Caballistics Inc - C'mon,  ..... please?

The Adventurer

I'm a little fuzzy since its been a while, but I recall that it wasn't so much 'dangling plot threads' and more 'a big honking cliffhanger yet to be resolved'. I really should dig out my old Progs.

EDIT: Oh yes, last appearance Prog 2008 - Nativity. Last page, some undead bloke having just resurrected to hunt down Jenny's baby


Zenith 666

I didn't mean any offence and I'm not slating Gordon Rennie I love almost everything that he writes for 2000AD I just want more Cabs more Koburn and more Dredd that's written by Gordon.Waits almost as bad as waiting for John Smith to bring more Devlin Waugh a wait that the recent mega collection made even worse.