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Converting casual comic reader into Judge Dredd (New video series)

Started by norse_sage, 24 May, 2015, 11:34:23 AM

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There are many comicbookreaders around the world who by rights could and should have been huge fans of Judge Dredd, but for reasons of Stallone or circumstance, just haven't been introduced to the awesomeness of the comics.

In this new video series, a Judge Dredd fan is trying to do something about just that, by converting a Punisher fan into a Judge Dredd fan, in a public forum:

Some myths are dispelled, some misconceptions clarified, the movies are covered, and some reading recommendations are given.

Do you agree with the sales pitch? Do you agree with the recommendations?
Anything you would like to add, that can be added to the next video in th series, after the Punisher fan has actually read some Judge Dredd?

Oh, and mods, please feel free to move thread if this is the wrong forum for it...

Greg M.

I enjoyed listening to that - can't beat a bit of intelligent Dredd discussion. The recommendations seemed solid, and I liked the particular focus on The Pit. I'm not 100% convinced Origins itself is an ideal starting point, ironically enough - I enjoy it greatly, but I think it works best if you're already invested in Dredd's world. It also gains some of its resonance from playing off against The Cursed Earth - both Origins and Case Files 2 might work well as 'second wave' texts for the new Dredd fan.

Richmond Clements

Colin YNWA

Yeah good solid work. Certainly seems to meet its aims and a nice tight focus on what the new fan needs to know. Maybe when that question hits here, as it often did (not seen it for a while) this will be the perfect place to point folks to.

Leigh S

That is a pretty good overview - the only point I'd make is that the satirical/humourous content of Dredd is pretty ingrained in all but the most serious of stories (and even then...) and is a major selling point for many - I suspect a lot of hesitancy about getting into Dredd is the idea that this is a book that promotes or glorifies it's extreme "hero" as opposed to poking fun at him (and to be fair, those stupid/unlucky enough to get on his wrong side! - It is a lightly cynical poke at human foibles and soulless authority that rarely takes itself too seriously)

Leigh S

Also, is there a case for Case Files 4 as good starter.... It's a shame it starts with The Judge Child, but that run of tales between the JC saga and the start of Block Mania really start to solidify the set up the City and the Judge system beautifully before it gets torn down.That run is what I see as the start of the "Modern Dredd" if you will - stripped of most of the early years silliness (Walter/Maria etc) and really defining the character and setting.   Of course, if you go back to Vol 3, you get Judge Death... but it is still in that transitional phase


Excellent input, everybody!

I have a good feeling it will be taken into account for the future installments of the series.
Next up, the Punisher fan will give histhoughts after actually reading some of the Judge Dredd recommendations, before moving on to the movies, now with a better understanding of the world of Dredd.

Also, if some of the Judge Dredd fans on Youtube feel like supporting the effort by subscribing, that would be most welcome!